Lots of Bethelites Not Happy With Downsizing

by Seeker4 106 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    To clarify,

    Can you please clarify? Are you saying that they normally are not responsible for on the job injuries or that the chick was injured on the job and then they refused to pay for her care and treatment?

    This is not a 're-insurance' scam. (Sorry SW) This is a well know process known as SELF-INSURANCE which is done by every major corporation today, the WT is no different.

    There are always two parties to this type of insurance contract, the insured and the carrier. I'll try to break this down to Self Insurance 101.

    Basically two barometers are set. A Stop Loss Specific and a Stop Loss Aggregate. The Specific would deal with claim amounts related to a single claim set at a certain limit, and paid directly by the insured from a holding account where they are obligated to keep enough cash to pay anticipated claims of this amount. For example, let's say they have a Specific Stop Loss of $100,000 and a claim goes to $250,000. The WT would be on the hook for the first $100,000 and then the Stop Loss carrier would step in and pay the difference, in this case $150,000.

    An aggregate is set based on a certain number, i.e., 125% of previous year's claims.

    In any case, wheverer the Aggregate is met, the Stop loss carrier comes in and pays 100% of the claims for the remainder of the calendar year.

    Self-insurance is brilliantly simple. Maximum exposure is capped, and the risk beneath the maximum exposure is shared by both parties.

    Self-insurance and re-insurance is not a scam, just wanted to clarify that point.

    Self insurance does not mean there is no coverage for claims, or no responsibility to pay those claims.


    Sets Stop Loss and Aggregates Class

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Hello, BritBoy

    You write:

    “I wonder what is happening to Bethel's around the world.”

    Following is a transcription of a letter from the India Bethel office from 2000. It demonstrates the basic approach the governing body takes with its downsizing. Can anyone say “Unemotional and traumatic”?

    The Watch Tower
    Bible and Tract Society of India

    AB:BA December 15, 2000

    To All Congregations in India

    Dear Brothers:

    We are writing to inform you of a change in the way the work is being funded in India. Most will be aware that until now, much of the finding for the work being done in the India Branch has been provided by the generous spirit, which ahs moved the hearts of our international brotherhood for all these years. In this country, we truly have seen many benefits as a result of this international support.

    However, the situation has now changed for the India Branch. We are no longer able to received funds from overseas in order to support the work in India. Now the responsibility to care for all the work in this land must be cared for exclusively by our own voluntary contributions. Naturally, this will have some immediate impact on the way we do the work that Our Lord Jesus has entrusted to us.—Matt. 24:14, 28:19-20

    In order to meet the challenges that we now face, the Branch committee, working under close direction from the Governing Body, has found it necessary to reduce the number of those serving at Bethel. More than half of the Bethel family will be returning to the field. The Kingdom Hall program will be postponed until further notice. Additionally, all those who until now have served as special pioneers will no longer be able to continue in their cherished privilege of service. For those who have spent many years of their life in these special aspects of full-time service, this will mean a major adjustment for them. We are sure that you brothers and sisters will do what you can to help these dear ones to settle into their changed circumstances.

    What will this mean for the work? Firstly, with regard to the field ministry and disciple making work, we have a commission from Jehovah God and it is not dependent on money. The congregations will continue to help all those who are ‘rightly disposed for everlasting life’ to hear the Bible’s message. (Acts 13:48) Our Bible study and return visit work in in obedience to Jesus command to ‘go and make disciples, teaching them to observe all the things he commanded.’ (Matt. 28: 19-20) As in the first century, difficult financial circumstances will not stop God’s people from carrying out this divine commission. You are encouraged to regularly support the preaching activity more zealously than ever before.

    How can we support other necessary aspects of Branch organization, such as the printing and distribution of literature as well as caring for the needs of those working in Bethel and the traveling work?

    It seems that the time has come for each one of us to assume a much greater personal responsibility to ‘honor Jehovah with our valuable things.’—Proverbs 3:9

    From this time forward, providing financial contributions required for the work in India rests completely with you brothers and sisters. All the expenses to keep the organization functioning can only be cared for by the donations that the Society receives from the congregations. This is provided by donations make through the contribution boxes marked “Contributions for the Society’s Worldwide Work.” Many already are regular and generous in making full use of this arrangement. How deeply we appreciate all of the fine support you dear brothers and sisters have provided until now. However, in view of this changed situation, each one of us may need to reevaluate if we might be able to do even more, knowing that this is the only means that funds can be obtained for Jehovah’s service.

    No doubt, the changed circumstances that we now find before us, will allow each of us extended opportunities to show the Devil that this system does not determine whether or not we will do everything within our power to support the ministry. We look to you too, to continue to support Jehovah’s work in India. Here at Bethel, we are making a number of changes to minimize the use of contributed funds. Those who will continue serving at Bethel will themselves be asked to make a number of sacrifices in order to keep the work going. As each one of us demonstrates appreciation for Jehovah’s service, many he in turn bless our united efforts to continue with his work, until he says it is finished!

    Thank you for giving this matter your prayerful consideration. May Jehovah continue to bless your faithful efforts to do what you are able I the field ministry and in the way of supporting his work through the contribution arrangement. We close with an expression of our sincere appreciation for your loving support and extend our warmest Christian love.

    Your brothers,

    The Watch Tower B&T Society
    of India

  • LDH
    We are sure that you brothers and sisters will do what you can to help these dear ones to settle into their changed circumstances.

    mwah ha ha.

  • juni

    Thank you Seeker4 for bringing this information to us.

    Wow, this has got to upset a lot of old timers. And rightly so. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.


  • Mary

    S4 said: In my discussion with this brother, he mentioned that poor health was one of the factors in asking people to leave.

    Are you serious?? They're kicking long-time members to the curb because of "poor health"??? How the hell are these people supposed to live? Oh I forgot----as long as the feeble-minded GB members are taken care of, then that's all that matter eh? What a bunch of unfeeling pricks.............and they think they're Christ's brothers? More like Satans............

    Gumbers said: In times past, the society cleverly primed the flock via Watchtower Study articles to any coming changes. They did this so as not to cause a stir among the publishers and to make the "adjustment" go smoother. Yet recently, they have a 'if you don't like it then leave' additude, rather than a fear of causing desent amoung the ranks.

    Actually Gumbers, I did a post on this very thing a few months ago. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/105983/1.ashx

    In the Febuary 15th WT study, it strongly emphasized "new light" and accepting "change" in the Organization. Garybuss was the first to pick up on it when he said: "....That's exactly the kind of pre new light article they printed in the spring of 1995 before they dropped the bomb on the generation of 1914, the sheep and the goats, and the alternative service change in May of 1996. Me thinks changes are in the wind..."

    Maybe the downsizing of Bethel was the change they were referring to............

  • juni

    Mary -

    Did you change your avatar? Is that an artist's pic?


  • gumby

    Mary.....great minds think alike

    I looked at your thread and noticed my post on that thread....I haven't changed a bit!



  • wednesday

    I know when changes will get made. They will be made when the children/grandchildren of elders at bethel, Co's, Do's etc become affected.if they are abused, shunned, taken advantage of, thrown out in the cold, etc, then these privilged ones along with the "in crowd" at the KH will rebel. They do not care what happens to the poor,stupid jws who is washing windows in nowhere OLK. They don't We are expendable. But if you touch the privleged ones, they will fight back against this org The privleged ones will leave b/c they are used to better things and privlege. They are not ued ot being brow beatnen and taking the scraps off someone's table. They are betterthan us. They are the clergy class, we are the peasnats.

    I will be happy to see the day when the high and might are brought down.

    The bethelites are among the privleged. If they know something, believe me would you not use it to save your family? I know I would.

    also, if the poor brothers in rual areas /inner cities could see how they live, they would start to question their faith.

    it is oly a matter of time

    this org used to be filled with the poor , but sheeplike ones. now it is filled with vultures, those who seek to take advantage of others and hurt their brothrs.


  • oldflame
    Bush is a religious nut

    No he is not ! He just uses religion in order to gain enough power through people to push his agenda. A true christian does not lie, does not lie and cause the lives of thousands of innocent people. They do not cheat and do not live corrupt lives.

  • proandcon

    For about 10 years, I lived near WT Farms in upstate NY. I attended a local congregation and got to know many bethelites. My observations:

    - the older ones had gotten used to the bethel operation and despite the drudgery felt comfortable there...why not...three square meals, decent living conditions, nice scenery. Bethel fosters an "elitist: attitude also. Bethelites are told they have a special privelege. Many bethelites do "lord it over" those in the local congreagtion.They definitely gravitate to those with position and money. Typically, they love the finer things (clothes, cars, food, wine, etc) and will associate with those who can provide or have these things.

    Most bethelites were former pioneers. Once you get used to the bethel grind, it's pretty easy...especially if you have some seniority and/or a "responsible" position. Going back "on the street" is a real downer. hard work, in comparison. Little gratification. No praise from the friends for their sacrifice. Now, they usually have to scrip by to survive. Living sconditions would not be as good. Need to find healthcare and pay for it. "Worldly" services cost real money...not bethel money.

    The culture shock to any who are at bethel for some time would be enrmous in any number of ways (economic, social, psycological, and probably spiritual. They go from the elite to just Joe and Jane publisher.

    Most congregations I have been associated with, really don't get real excited when someone new shows up from bethel to join the congregation. Their elitist attitude shows...their disappointment also shows. They usually seek out the elders and those with money / things. Widows and orphans...fogetaboutit !

    They could easily be ripe to turn on the WTS because of what they've known about bethel (but turned a deaf ear to) and how they have now been "screwed over" by Momma (WTS). Jealously would definitely rear its head...why did we get picked while bro and sis asskisser still get to live the "good life".

    The ramifications of this move should prove interesting. I think a good number wil fall away. The positive effect on the field and increasing numbers baptized will remain negligible.

    My two cents

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