Look what the retirement plan was for the R&F! Why should it be different for the bethelites? The end is so close why worry about it?
I have an aunt that lives with her daughter and here dubber son who is separated form his wife, and they have nothing because they did not save a dime, not a penny for retirement, these bethelites have nothing and some who put their lives into it will have no retirement, not even social security. But these people looked down on us, they were the ones who were closer to "god" as it were, now that the sky is falling chicken little wants a little sympathy? Well not from me, I have a cousin in bethel, he married a bethel Pilipino, and she was the person who took care of Franz when he was "out of it" and if they get booted, even though they are nice people, I have no sympathy, Remember they look at us as people who just do not get it, who have been misled by satans system blablabla. So when the end of the world does not work out for these people with their heads in the sand, It reminds me of a Bronx tale, where the kid tells the Italian mob boss he was sad when Mickey mantle cried, and he replied, you were sad? do you think for one min, that Mickey would give a crap if your dad lost his job driving a bus and lost his home? Mickey don't give a crap about you, why should you give a crap about Mickey mantle?
This thinking sums up my feeling for bethelites, They look down on people like me, some make fun. most look at us and shake their heads like we were just sentenced to 20 years for raping a 9 year old.
I had a partner for 12 years that was a dubber, he would leave me on the job to run to the meetings, I worked and saved for years to be semi retired now. most of these people have gotten their reward, the feeling of being special "gods chosen" but you know when you are sixty that does not pay the electric bill