Does my Dad really believe? Carbon Dating?

by Crumpet 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • VM44

    The Bible Students and then the JWs once believed that coal deposits were caused by the fall of an "annular ring" of carbon that orbited the earth.

    In that way the beds of coal were laid down.

    The Great Flood was caused when the final ring orbiting the earch made of water fell to earth.


  • VM44

    Correction.....The Golden Age in the 1920s said that the last remaining ring was an electrical ring, and when it fell it would kill disease causing organisims and also will somehow fertilize the land and make it produce bountiful crops.

    This would happen at the beginning of the new golden age.


  • Spectrum

    Airplanes that crash landed on an icesheet in Greenland in the 1940s were found about 50/60 years later embedded 200 feet down in compressed solid ice.

    I don't know what this means exactly but it seems that things can move rapidly. If you wanted to take ice core samples to measure the composition of the atmosphere, how far back in time would 200 feet represent? I did a very quick unscientific calculation using antartic dated ice cores and I work it out to very approximately 4600 years for 200 feet. But the planes moved that distance in 50 years. If we didn't know those planes were 50 years old we would date them 4600 years old clearly absurd but scientists need to stick faithfully to their science. There is a major discrepancy. Is it my simplistic calculation or can things move faster than expected hence things seem older than they are in reality?


    How It Was Collected
    The Vostok Ice-Core was collected in East Antarctica by the Russian Antarctic expedition. The Vostok Ice-Core is 2,083 meters long and was collected in two portions: 1) 0 - 950 m in 1970-1974, 2) 950 - 2083 m in 1982-1983. The total depth of the ice sheet from which the core was collected is approximately 3,700 meters.

    While unable to provide specific dates (within a millenia), the analysis show definate evidence of the the last two ice ages. Using the methods listed above the bottom of the ice-core was laid down 160,000 +- 15,000 years ago. It should be noted that all of the methods listed above were consistent with the above results.

    By the way I'm just playing devils advocate!!

  • greendawn

    Slimboyfat and Kid-A, there are plenty of science teachers and scientists in general that do not accept the theory of evolution as valid.

    The evolution/creation debate is very broad, touches many subjects, and perhaps one day soon we should have a debate on it here, though there have already been numerous before.

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