No, I never saw any of the subliminal images until they were pointed out to me later.
And even as a kid, I realized the artwork was really bizzare, especially the images of Paradise. My young mind rebelled at the blatant propaganda.
What really freaks me out, to this day, is how much stock the R&F puts in those pictures. I mean it's the rare "lesson" where the conductor doesn't bring attention to the pictures and invite comment; and it's the rare comment on a picture that doesn't include the commenter inferring something significant from the picture. Like those pictures of paradise where some guy is hoeing his garden in a long sleeved dress shirt and a sweater--someone will always comment "look how nicely we'll be dressed in the New Order."
I once had an associate of mine tell me that he believed that the Biblical pictures were actually what the Bible characters looked like--the Holy Spirit, he believed, was directing the Society's artists to draw what the Bible characters really actually looked like back then. I wonder if it freaked him out when they switched Jesus models a few years back?