In the days when it was black and white it was totally unattractive, but later it became multicoloured and was better.
But I couldn't understand things about the pictured future paradise why people weren't naked as originally after getting perfected and why they were eating food which (the belly) along with sex is supposed to be done away with. It would be strange for the resurrected to go without food and sex but those that supposedly survived armageddon and live with them would do both.
As for subliminal images I never noticed any but having seen them later on websites, some of them are no doubt really there.
How did the WT art affect you? Did you find subliminal WT art as a JW?
by freetosee 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My fav was The Revelation Climax pic where the great dragon is hurled into the sea and on one side all the happy dubs and on the other the worldings, yelling with contorted faces, wearing headbands and waving sticks.
I am sure this was discussed already. Did the rumors about satanic art reach Brooklyn? And did it have any impact on the bethel workers? Are the many demon faces just coincidental or is there more to issue? Many WT pictures are gruesome as they are and hardly need hidden symbols.
Can these pictures be seen? Let me know please
I like this one.
I like the second one too. It is remarkably similar to the WTS rendering, only Babylon The Great is totally HOT and it would make a great desktop wallpaper for my computer.
wearing headbands
Yeah totally! What is WITH those "worldly people" and their headbands?
Were headbands a stylish rebellion in the 80ties? I don’t remember. Looking at the picture on p. 291 right now, it’s kind of stupid. One should think that after a thousand years being brought to perfection Gog’s follower would design better weaponry to go to war with God. Their little sticks are amusing.
I like these wood cuttings form a German monk Albrecht Dürer (1496). The first is about the final test. You can see the devil’s release by the angle of the abyss. The other is Rev. 13:11
The song book thing is that that they cropped the picture for the smaller book get a big song book and there are enough legs!