Overheard at the Book Study

by under_believer 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Gawd... where do I begin???

    If things are really getting worst for human survival, then why is over population itself becoming a problem? Why is obesity related diseases the #1 cause of death in developed countries?

    It sounds to me like those who die are dieing because humanities inability to turn off our bodies natural instincts to survive in desolate conditions.

    We are so well off that we are literally eating ourselves to death and over populating the planet!

  • startingover

    Your comments take me back a few years when I started to figure things out. I started actually listening at the meetings instead of just mindlessly thumbing to scriptures. I predict it won't be long and you won't be able to stand it anymore.

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    Will we have to manufacture soy-based bacon bits for snakes?
    BWAAAAAAAAAH-HAHAHAHA!!!!! That's the funniest thing I've read all day. luv, jojo

  • james_woods

    Kitty is right - not only the funniest thing, but the funniest whole thread.

    See - snakes just don't know that the beggin bits aren't real bacon!

    But, kitte can't eat JDubs in new system because they are made of real animal protein.

  • lilybird

    Ok.. so now I am really happy I don't go to meetings anymore...

  • Finally-Free

    Will we have to manufacture soy-based bacon bits for snakes?
    BWAAAAAAAAAH-HAHAHAHA!!!!! That's the funniest thing I've read all day.
    Actually, the soy based bacon bits are not bad. I put them in my salads all the time. W

  • under_believer
    Your comments take me back a few years when I started to figure things out. I started actually listening at the meetings instead of just mindlessly thumbing to scriptures. I predict it won't be long and you won't be able to stand it anymore.

    I already can't stand it. I am still going because my wife is not yet on the same page as me. Nor are my parents, though I might not be able to do anything about that one.

    I have to sit there with my brain shut off. Mostly I sit and read the Bible the whole time. Sometimes though comments filter through and I cringe.

  • james_woods

    under_believer - even the NAME of your great thread was funny!

    "Overheard" !!!

    Sort of like you were sitting in another room behind a curtain and not part of the conversation?

    Had that feeling myself once or twice...

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    God made this physical principle happen right after the flood as electrons nor photons had this property before about 2520 b.c.e.


  • under_believer

    james_woods, you know, I never realized it, but that is EXACTLY what it is like. I guess my subconscious drove my choice of words, there. I really am sitting there overhearing everything, but not really present and certainly not participating. I even stopped helping my kids to "find comments."

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