Most ridiculous Kingdom Melody Lyrics

by Fleshybirdfodder 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    A couple of my favs:

    "Loyal love, God is love, may God's love move us to love"

    " bees that were molested, but we can ever beat them off..."

    I could never keep a straight face singing those.

  • RunningMan

    "Satan against them has vaunted, in God's truth they keep on undaunted." - sounds like somebody was desperate for a rhyme.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    Speaking of rhymes.... efficacious and vivacious? WTF?

  • daystar

    "they make gods of wood and stone, but the true God they've not known"

    Who the eff makes gods of wood and stone? Tribals in South America? WTF!?

  • under_believer

    There was one that talks about how someday the wicked would "lick the dust."

  • moomanchu

    we're jehovah's witnesses we speak out in foolishness our is the god of true prophecy what we foretell comes to sheeet

  • beautifulisfree

    If you ever just sit down and read some of the songs they are ridiculous! I can't believe that some of my 'favorite' ones talked so much about hate and the 'truth'. They can make anything sound good as long as they put a melody to it.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    "Vigor and vim.... lest our vision grow dim"...

  • lilybird

    Yep.. all the Kingdom melodies are pretty ridiculous,, and depressing too.. the music was never uplifting.. just another bogus method of trying to brainwash the Dubs

  • kittyeatzjdubs

    Fair Shulammite remnant, temptations resist. Stay clean for your bridgroom, on virtue insist. Your virgin companions that walk on your train, rejoice at your course and the prize you will gain.


    When you're at your bachelorette party just say no to the hot stripper who wants to do the dirty monkey with you. Otherwise your bridesmaids will think you're a hoowar.

    At least that's MY interpretation.

    luv, jojo

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