Good luck Drew. You're almost free!
Speaking to an Elder tomarrow, I'm almost free!!!!!!!
by drew sagan 34 Replies latest jw friends
So glad to hear you gave up on that idea (sorry, but it was a bad one) of going in deep in order to get out. From everything you are now saying it really sounds as though your 'stars' are in alignment. Keep that calm, assured demeanor in your meeting tomorrow, you'll be fine and it sounds like your wife is ready to stand up for her own feelings about the org.
Best to you.
It's good your decision is made and even better if your wife goes with you. That will make a huge difference in how you cope afterward.
Just a word of caution: It will be wonderful having your freedom again, but based on my own experience and from the experiences of those on this board, expect that things will probably be a little rocky at first. Residual guilt and doubt may alternate with relief and exhilaration to make your first months a roller-coaster ride. But it will even out. Looking forward to hearing about your progress in the near future. -
all the best, so glad that your wife is starting to open up
As you well know, your wife's response is 1000 times more important than the whatever response you get from the "elder".
A Paduan
be elusive - and "concerned for their spiritual well being" when you ask a question, that you "just needed to know" for the sake of truth
congrads about your wife
yay Drew!
TMS said it best, having your wife on the same page is the best! I'm really happy for you!
I'm glad your wife sees and agrees, drew. My husband left one year after I did. I didn't have to say much though...the "loving" brothers did it for me. Actions speak louder than words.
Keep us posted, Drew, of developments with your wife. That's the important thing now.
The truth is AD31 was the end of the world legally and christ could have come at any time the new or old testaments nowere envisage two thousand years into the future.SDAs have battled with the very same issues and the better theologins amonst them have all come to the same conclusions.