Is the WTS still an NGO? 2005 OSCE Conference

by blondie 26 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Tea4Two
    The objective of the member nations of the OSCE is to guarantee the security of Europe as well as to foster the implementation of human rights, disarmament, democratic freedoms and the management of regional conflict.

    If the WTS is meddleing in the the affairs of the world? What has happened to
    "Waiting on Jehovah"? As they always tell their members when conflict arises. "Pray to Jehovah for guidence" Have they lost their faith in Jehovah and now put faith in the UN for help?

  • hamsterbait


    Presumably a struggle is futile if it will never succeed in eradicating a problem? Or is there another definition?

    Why are they involved in a futile struggle to eradicate injustice in this system?

    Lady Lee says "follow the $$$". They are not interested in the freedom or happiness of their slaves in totalitarian states, they just want to be sure of getting the money into western banks so they can keep it.

    (see Mexico Malawi France)

    Anyway if the "TIME IS SO CLOSE" why are these guys not knocking on doors hawking for money and converts like the little dubbie slaves?

    (SHH don' tell but: NO STATUS. NO FUN. NO PERSONAL GAIN)


  • Gary1914

    I believe that keeping the "dubbie slaves" busy in field service and going to be meetings gives credence to their claim of being a religion.

    A religion allows them to carry on their work tax free.

    Publishers are in a sense "pimping" for the Watchtower. They stand on street corners hawking their wares of publications and the Watchtower gets all the monetary benefit from their effort by way of contributions.

  • garybuss

    New light . . . We're a part of the world!

  • Kaput
    New light . . . We're a part of the world!

    That's right, Gary! Always were, too! We r&f dubs just never knew it!

  • jwfacts

    If the WTS can attend such a seminar and political committees etc in order to further religious tolerance I can not understand why a JW can not vote. Surely it is in the organisations interests to have members vote for the more lenient political party. In countries where JWs are 1:300 of the population than they could have an affect on what parties win and also policy formation.

    In Australia Bethel sent their lawyer and one of their branch committee to the Hanard committee for religious tolerance, with little result. However, the result could have been far more significant if they could have said they had 80000 voters supporting their requests.

  • juni

    Thanks Blondie for bringing this to our attention.

    I don't even want to think about all that our family suffered in this religion. And now finally the truth as to what they really are. It's there in black and white for anyone to read.

    God I wish I could go back in time and have a "do over".


  • zagor

    When I think of so many young ones (some of which I've met personally) who are rotting away in prisons all around the world because of the neutrality stand (and are going to have a criminal record next to their names for life because of WTBS stand) and then compare it with the walking-a-thin-line approach of Watchtower I cannot but feel sick.
    Young j-dubs were for years told that ANY compromise in "serving the army" (Even if it is only doing a civil service not related to army directly, is going too far.
    On the other hand WTBS have a luxury of actively engaging into "non-governmental" politics of "Satan’s New World Order counterfeit body"
    Apparently, wtbs and their GB have freedoms not available to R&F, R&F are required to give complete disclosure of their private affairs and to effectively have completely transparent 'private' lives, while at the same time WTBS/GB can engage in by best definition shoddy practices that are likely to stumble faith of many and yet there is no regret, no sorrow, no real Christian penance. Rather there is sense of monstrous disregard for human life and dignity.
    Last year I've met a guy who spent in total 7 years in prison in eastern Europe being tried three times for the same 'crime' and has now lost quite a few marbles because of it. Then when I think how he is now treated in his current congregation here, (apparently even the way he walks and talks bothers some elders) I really feel sick. And then he tells me there are quite a few of those young guys who now have got mental problems and that many of them cannot be productive members of society for many years after because of post-traumatic stress disorder and constant back flashes of what they've been through.
    In fact, apparently many are even unfit to have 'congregational duties' because of mental issues.
    (Sister told me in confidence that this guy was even advised not to speak too much of experiences he's been through, apparently that's too much to hear for some in congregation. )
    And then I remember again whole NGO affair. Man, who are you people, in safe Brooklyn cocoon, kidding? You put such a burden on so many lives, yet I'm absolutely sure that if faced with even lesser problems most of you would buckle.
    R&F are told to suck it up to whatever problems comes along and to 'joyfully give up their possessions and freedoms for the sake of the truth' without putting too much fight. Yet WTBS/GB have gone all the way to the Supreme Court for even not so big issues when their own skin was at stake.

    You know WTBS and "governing body" you should go back and reread Mathew chapter 23 again and ponder it deeply

  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog


    Member / Associate member, you're splitting hairs! They helped to spread / endorse UN propaganda to thier membership.

  • LittleToe

    If they sent a representative then it goes beyond the Library Card excuse. You may be onto something here...

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