It helped me when I had a parent who was an alcoholic when I went to Al-Anon a support group to help people who have loved ones who are addicted. The first thing I learned was that I could not change them, I could only change me (and that can be difficult too). I learned to find a healthy way to live my own life and protect myself from the actions of the abusers, yes, abusers.
I found new friends and family that were supportive even though not jws. What an idea. I finally cut off my association with my jw family after 10 years of trying and getting hurt. My husband and I have been so much happier.
I left because after 40 years and several congregations, I did not see or experience the love that Jesus said his true followers would show. Interestingly, children of alcoholics miss that love but everyone says parents show that love. It's very confusing to try to see love in the abuse.
Try to improve yourself, make new friends, learn new things, find people who can give your support.