Is she Indian, Native American, or Hispanic?
Spectrum - if you turn her upside down and look at the sole of her feet it will tell you where she was made. Isn't 'hot' enough for you?
by Spectrum 53 Replies latest social current
Is she Indian, Native American, or Hispanic?
Spectrum - if you turn her upside down and look at the sole of her feet it will tell you where she was made. Isn't 'hot' enough for you?
Of course she is hot.
A woman who exposes as much flesh as possible can't expect heterosexual guys not to be sexually excited. She can't possibly be surprised unless she was born on another planet. It's a natural reaction.
Don't misunderstand me. The only thing a girl who has accepted a drink should have to do is say "thanks". The fact that she accepts a drink or wears a sexy outfit doesn't mean she agrees to have sex or that she agrees to be groped. However, a woman shouldn't expect heterosexual men not to look at the erotic parts of her body she exposes. I'm so sick of hearing some women say that men are pigs. Men are exactly as whoever created them wanted them to be. So are women. Men are not better than women and they are not worse either. Of course, there are certainly men who do disgusting things. As for me, I feel no remorse whatsoever for looking amorously at an attractive woman and even exchange smiles...
while we do have an occasional throwback to cave man times (George Bush)
Actually, I thought Bill Clinton fit that mold better. After all, he was the one who couldn't keep it to himjself and was boffing anything that would drop her panties for him. and in the White house at that!
Women who flaunt themselves and then get upset when a man notices them has always been one of my pet peeves. Just think about it ladies. Wouldn't you be just a bit pissed if you were ogling some guy's tight buns (I've heard enough from gals to know ya'll do.) and HE got offended? I think the thing to do is to be flattered if look is all we do. Most men understand that we can't touch unless invited.