LMAO@openfireglass , unfortunately no matter how much research you do the stuff is demonized to the point it will never be legalized in the US . I support the legalization for adults to smoke the stuff also support the growing of hemp products so we don't have to keep cutting down forests for pulp . I think you could probly show that there is less violent crime among pot smokers , because they are too worried about finding their bag of cheetos . HE HE
anyway , myths I don't buy into are --- UFOs , lochness monster ,big foot , reptilian race running the government ( that one tho is getting my interest) lol , US control of the middle east will increase security for the whole world (not just the US) BS..... Jews are still the chosen people or that God even cares about the nation of Israel , Bin Laden had anything to do with 911, George Bush is the God appointed king we've been waiting for to solve all the problems in the world ( as boasted in by GW) .