In another post on the Da Vince Code, it starts by saying that the WTS doesn't want the Witnesses to see that movie. Does anyone know if this is true? Where has it been stated?
Are JWs Discouraged From Seeing The Da Vinci Code?
by Seeker4 38 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't heard it "officially", but my 12yo daughter was visiting the PO's family about a month ago and the wife said that "we wouldn't want to see it because it could change our views on things" (oooooh, so cryptic....).
My daughter not only read the book, but was counting down the days to see the movie!
As far as "changing views", it doesn't matter to me what she believes as long as she knows she's free to believe whatever she wants to...
Heaven forbid DVC open a JW mind.
Justitia Themis
Most in our congregation took the opposite view. Since is was on the bestseller list for months, we read it so that we could speak intelligently about it at the door. I loved the book. However, I preferred "Angels and Demons."
I haven't heard of anyone being told not to read the book or see the movie, however, I have a pretty liberal congregation.
I haven't heard it "officially", but my 12yo daughter was visiting the PO's family about a month ago and the wife said that "we wouldn't want to see it because it could change our views on things" (oooooh, so cryptic....).
If I had a similar attitude in 1983 when someone first handed me a "Live Forever" book life would be so much better now.
I made that statement on a post about Mankinds Search for God book. They don't officially forbid seeing movies that aren't R rated. However, an Elder, MS or Pioneer wouldn't want to be seen coming out of a theater where such a movie is showing.
Honestly I think it puts the Society in a tough spot because the Christian churches are railing against it because it puts into question the whole bible. But the Society can't really side with the Churches because they take great pride in being (supposedly) different.
But they can't really condone it either.
So the Society does what it typically does in it's dysfunctional, passive-aggressive manner - they simply don't say anything.
-ithinkisee -
It seems, proplog2, that that is just an opinion, and that there are likely congregations where plenty of elders and MSs have or will see the movie.
I know a lot of opinion floats around about this. I remember a DC where one of the Governing Body bad-mouthed one of the Star War movies. That didn't prevent tons of Witnesses from seeing it.
So it seems there is no official stand against the movie by the WTS. That's what I thought.
Aren't JW's discouraged from seeing just about ALL movies?
Not at all.
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One thing about the DVC that I found interesting was the notion that there are other "gospels" that were purposely excluded from the Biblical canon, in order to preserve the male heirarchy of the Catholic Church. Some of the other "gospels" that were excluded refer to Jesus as being a mere mortal, a prophet, and a married man with offspring.
If it were true, it would throw, not just the Catholic Church/The Vatican, @$$ over teakettle - but every so-called Christian religion that clings to a patriarchal primacy doctrine... including the JWs. They would be forced to (1) admit that they have been misled by the same errors that plagued the Catholic Church and resulted in its Apostasy™ from True Worship™ and (2) recognize equality between men and women in the congregation, even to the point of allowing women to have decision making power and authoritative positions in the congregation.
You would think that they would be talking about this movie as being equivalent to pornography or The Exorcist. They are risking a lot by letting JWs even consider those possibilities.