Unofficially, in the last 5 years, certain COs have told elder bodies that elders and MS could be removed for going to R-rated movies. I never heard of that happening so I wonder if it was an individual quirk of that CO or just an empty threat.
Believe it or not, about 3 years ago, our CO asked if congregation members should be "disciplined" for seeing R-rated movies. All the gung-ho wanna-be brown nosers shot their hands up and proceeded to pontificate about the evils of R-rated movies, etc.
Finally, the CO said we shouldn't rely on movie ratings, we should follow our conscience exclusively in deciding what movies to see. He seemed to be hinting broadly, if not outright saying it, that "certain" R-rated movies might be acceptable, if your conscience permitted it. It was actually a rare, reasonable moment in an elder's meeting.
The silence of the self-righteous was profound.
So, I suspect that each CO has their viewpoint on the matter.
Back to the thread topic, I haven't heard the matter discussed one way or the other. There is a kind of "code of silence" regarding movies here, if you go to see a somewhat controversial movie, fine, but don't go blabbing about it to Sister Over-Sensitive.