JWs can quote you the bible back to front.

by Spectrum 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan
    JWs are taught by proof-texts rather than seeing things in context. That is how the publications are set up with strings of cited scriptures and snippets

    Very true blondie. Don't forget also that if your only religious association was with people who share the same exact faith and that you where discouraged to only talk to people outside of your group only using your "proof texts" what kind of picture of the world would you really have????? By the way, if nobody else understands the Bible but JWs what are these people doing??? United Bible Societies

  • enlightenedcynic

    It may have already been mentioned on this thread already(if so I apologize), but JW's are good at serving "scripture sandwiches". They take a scripture for one section of the bible, slap some half truths and parroted phrases learned from the hierarchy in between and throw on another scripture to make it complete. I used to love those sandwiches, problem now is that I am sick of the baloney and all the mayonaise they slather on it which drowns out the true flavor.


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