Recovering from Meeting Withdrawl

by Nosferatu 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    After I quit going to meetings, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays felt really strange. It was so weird having all this time to myself that I never had before. It took about 1-2 years for me to fully adjust to this new found free time.

    Anyone else experience this?

  • damselfly

    Me too!!

    I would find myself getting really anxious about an hour before the meetings normally started. Kept on thinking that there was someplace I needed to be! LOL

    It stopped after a year or so.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I don't know it's getting pretty easy for me . Thursday night is still a little strange felling like I need to be somewhere else . I think we may join the gym and have that night as a work out time. Sunday mornings I now do my cleaning job so I can enjoy the afternoons relaxing . And book study night we found a TV show we like, so yeah we're set.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It seemed very strange at first, not to have that routine every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, but I am getting more used to it now. I think making a complete break by da'ing helped me to do that, I didn't fade for long.

  • lilybird

    At the time we left, we had 3 small kids.. ages 5, 3 and 4 months.. so I was so busy I didn't have time to think much about missing meetings. I do remember though a feeling of total peace and bliss that I didn't have to plan nap time and meals around meeting time.

  • Scully

    We started out by intentionally finding something else to do on meeting nights. Once they told us we no longer Qualified™ to have the Book Study™ in our house, we started taking the kids on early evening outings to the park, to feed the ducks, to rent a movie, etc. It was more fun than having to clean the house before AND after the Book Study™ and better than any freaking after the Book Study™ "treat night". It went much the same way for the Thursday night and Sunday meetings as well, although a little more gradually.

    Thursday night used to be the night when Carleton U aired some awesome courses on TV - I learned a great deal about Social Psychology and group dynamics once I quit going to the meeting. Talk about having lightbulb moments!

  • greendawn

    To me it was no problem finding other things to do and it was a relief not going in that boring and cold environment. Never really had many friends there so I was not missing them.

  • parakeet

    I left so gradually it was virtually painless. The first to go was the Tues. book study. Then the Thurs. meetings--so boring, so glad to get rid of them. Then the Watchtower study; I'd stay for the talk but leave right afterward. That went on for a few months; then I dropped the talk as well. Never missed 'em and they didn't miss me.

  • nelly136

    that was just heaven to me. could go out or just stay in and veg. no more enforced boredom sessions....blisss

  • Honesty

    I felt like I had escaped from prison, fled to utopia and had been pardoned of my crimes.

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