how starwars should have ended

by darth frosty 13 Replies latest social entertainment

  • under_believer

    Always two there are, a master, and an apprentice.
    Which of you Darths is the master and which is the apprentice?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I see I have to validate my sith status. I loved the original trilogy. The prequel in one movie TPM effectively destroyed the very foundation that SW was built on(the midichlorines was just dumb.) AOTC was good in parts frustrating in others. And ROTS...was wrong. I blame Lucus for letting his ego get the best of his creative energies.

    As far as which is master and which is apprentice...a sith knows.

  • jojochan

    I dunno I felt that they should'nt have started episode one with Anakin as a small boy, but as a teenager like in episode 2. I just felt that his turning to the dark side was so forced and rushed, that I really did'nt see the conflict that they wanted me to see. And more stronger reason to save Palpatine in order to save Amadala from death. Did'nt they ever have illnesses a long time ago in that galaxy far, far away?

    What would've made sense in his turning would be him seeing certain dogma in the jedi counsel that we all could've understood. It could've been so much more than what it was lead on to be. "Taste Great...Less Filling".IMHHO

    But don't get me wrong...I love the whole Star Wars story...always have, always will...

    Star Wars fan for life.


  • M.J.

    Couldn't stand episode 1's slapstick cartoonish resolution to the big conflict at the end...especially in light of the way IV relied on the meticulous planning and precise execution of a major military offensive.

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