You have to be true to yourself.
The problem, I know, is that you aren't so certain who yourself is. That is plain from your posts. I hurt for the internal struggles you must be going through, but ultimately, you will either disappear behind the veil of someone else's expectations for you, or you will assert your true self.
Love does not determine who you must live with, love is what it is. Do you love no one else, other than your husband? It sounds like your husband may be trying to force you to a decision point, rather than threatening you with the marriage. He may simply be stating what his choices will be as a result of various possible choices you may make. But, whatever he is doing, there is no reason to choose between the love of your husband and the love of your son. You don't have to make that choice.
You ultimately have to make one choice, and only one. Will I be myself, or will I be a person someone else wants me to be? After you make that choice, really make that choice, the rest eventually falls into place on its on.
Just don't be shocked if you choose the latter only to find yourself constantly frustrated and feeling trapped or coerced. On those occasions, you can remind yourself of what you chose and either find contentment in the fact that you banished yourself by choice or choose again. I could not make the choice to banish myself, but I don't think less of others wwho choose differently.