by badboy 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    In agreement with many here, the Isaiah books were intolerable!
    I enjoyed the "Draw Close to Jehovah" book, especially chapter 24 "Nothing Can Separate Us From God's Love". I felt the book was at least an attempt at helping people see their worth in the eyes of god. Too bad so little of it got put into practice by the elders and the congregation in general.
    tall penguin

  • Poztate

    Without a doubt, the old Babylon the Great Has Fallen was THE most boring book in the history of mankind.

    Ditto here Mary. It seemd to me that that book was about 400 pages long and then you had to juggle the question booklet at the same time. It was freddy franz at his classic delusional best. I don't think anybody could understand that piece of s%^t.

    That is probally just as well as I think most or all of the"truths" presented there now obsolete. Gone with a flushing noise to a much better place.

  • under_believer

    lovelylil, this is the updated version from the new Teacher book:

    *** lr chap. 32 p. 171 How Jesus Was Protected ***

    Do you know what they may do to get pleasure for themselves?— Well, they may try to rub your sex organs. Or they will even rub their sex organs against yours. But you should never let anybody play with your penis or vulva. Not even your own brother or sister or your mother or father. These parts of your body are private.

    As far as the worst and best study books, everyone has already said it, but I'm in agreement. Anything having to do with prophecy at all was bad, but the Revelation book and the Isaiah books are completely detestable--vile, poisonous garbage. Vomit.

    The Greatest Man book was okay since it was mainly out of the Gospels. Not much you can do to screw up the Gospels (though they definitely try.)

  • glitter

    I liked looking at the pictures in the Evolution book, but a lot of them were quite scary - or at least I thought they were back when I was 7/8.

    I actually didn't like the Greatest Man, well it was tolerable, but I'd heard it all before and I think the whole "Jesus who?" environment of the JWs mean that it didn't interest me as much as it should have.

    A lot of the Revelation book gave me nightmares.

  • juni

    The Ezekiel book; can't remember the title. Babylon the Great Has Fallen, ...... , books on Haggai and Zechariah (don't remember the title, Revelation book. There were others, but I can't remember. Probably good, heh?

    Favorite book? "The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life". Yep. The little blue book that originally cost .25 I was in total la-la land at that time as I thought I had found the answer to my prayers.


  • Kudra

    Favorite: the Evolution/Creation book cause it actually had science in it. Well, now I know that it was total pseudoscience, but at the time, I thought all the pics of the mitochrondria etc were cool. and I liked that I knew a lot about that stuff.
    Worst: United in Worship book (small + blue) cause it was my baptism study book too and had SSSOOOOOOO many drag-ass questions you had to answer. Barf...

  • Mulan

    hated, hated, hated the Revelation, Grand Climax book. Ridiculous, circular reasoning.

    I actually enjoyed the Greatest Man book. One of my epiphanies came from one of those studies...................the prodigal son story, where it hit me that the father welcomed his son, no questions asked, and the stupid self righteous brother, wanted him thrown out. Hmmmm, who were we as JW's the most like?

  • lovelylil


    thanks for that update. Isn't that just revolting!

    I was working with a young pioneer sister one day and she placed two of those books with the young children of those she calls on. I don't think it was made clear to the congregation that this particular book was for children of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I know I was shocked and outraged. I yelled at my hubby, what does this garbage have to do with Christ or his kingdom!

    The WT is really sick and totally obsessed with sex and here like I said before, they are proving that the child molestation problem is much bigger than they will admit openly. So here, they tried to put in a sly warning. What total hypocrites!

    To all the active JWs - please don't get offended by my strong comments against the Wt org. I have nothing against the average Witnesses, I know you guys are misled and under a terrible weight. I pray for all you spiritual captives and look forward to your future release from captivity. God bless you.

  • Lo-ru-hamah

    The greatest man book was enjoyable.

    I couldn't stand the Isaiah books until I started to actually apply the information to the organization. Then they weren't so bad, it kind of made it fun.


  • AudeSapere

    At the time, I really enjoyed the weeks that we studied the Blood Booklet. It seemed so topical to me at the time and could immenently have an impact on any of our lives. I participated ALOT those weeks.

    If I only knew then what I know know

    Hadenuf wrote: That little book on James was okay. That was a book wasn't it?

    Commentary on the Letter of James. I like that one too. Enjoyed the writing style. I think I learned here (or somewhere on the internet) that Ray Franz wrote that book.


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