The Isaiah books sucked big time!
by badboy 55 Replies latest jw friends
Worst was revelation book.
Best was greatest man book
I appreciate your comment and agree that most parents do not talk with their kids about sex. But that book the WT put out is aimed at the under 10 year old and while you should talk about sex with them to protect them from pedophiles, you should gear it for their age group. I did not think my kids needed to know what a vulva was. Of course they knew penis and vagina but vulva? This is no reason that chapter had to be worded like that.
Also, the it is absolutely none of the WT's business whether or not parents talk to their kids about sex and child abuse. They have no right to do this at all. I believe all parents should but that is a personal choice. The problem with the WT is they think they can control everyone in all aspects of their life. And there is another, real reason they put that chapter in their book and it has nothing to do with them caring for our kids.This information was in there, not because the WT cares one hoot about the children in the Tower, if they did they would not hide pedophiles to begin with, but rather it is there to help cover their own arses in case someones sues because their child was molested. And they say they were not warned of pedophiles in the org. The WT can turn around and say "we do give warnings to parents to protect their children, see here in this book made just for the kids.........". Then they can use this example on how concerned they are so they tried to make sure the kids had proper training. This is simply a smokescreen, it means nothing, they do not care.
If I was the parent of the kids you studied that book with - I would have thrown you out on your ear! My kids have a father and a mother, we are the ones to train our kids in this area, not two strangers who have no history or relationship to our kids. This would make my kids very uncompfortable to begin with. I am glad you asked the mother but the WT did not ask for my permission nor the permission of any other parents who accepted this book. They just put the information in there! At my kids school for sex ed (they are now 11 and 13) I have to give my permission in order for the school to teach my kids their program.
If you see nothing wrong with this, ask yourself this question, would you invite the mailman in to give a sex talk to your young child? Well, he knows your child just as well as the two strangers in nice suits or dresses for that matter.
Also, you are entitled to your opinion but the WT claims they are the only religion preaching the gospel of Jesus and the medium they use are their printed publications. I am sorry but information about a child's penis and vulva have what to do with the gospel?
Imagine if anyone from the Mormon church came to your door with that type of information for your children (if you have any) - would you not think they were off their rocker? I would, and I did when I saw it in the WT book. It is totally inapproprate for people who are strangers to talk about delicate issues with other peoples kids.
Sorry if this sounds a bit strong. My hubby had the same reaction you did. Maybe I am wrong but as a woman and a mother, this chapter just totally got mother's instinct screaming: This is totally wrong!
Does anyone else out there feel the way I do?
tall penguin
Hi again lovelylil, I can see this is an important topic to you, as it is for me too. I've worked with children in a professional setting for years, including children who've suffered from abuse. Our children are our most valuable assets.
I am in no way defending the wts' stance on child abuse, nor attempting to know their motives in including this information in their new book. You may be correct in saying that they may use it as an out when questionned about their protection of abusers, saying that they've provided a "warning" in their publications.
The family I studied with were not new to us. We'd been associated with them for over a year. And the parents were invited to sit in on every study. Sometimes they did. The chapter which includes the sexual information is about 10 chapters in, so it's unlikely that anyone at the doors would jump right in to sharing that information with anyone. And I personally was always careful to get parents permission about studying that chapter with them. As I recall, we were advised from the platfrom to do so.
In the end, every parent is responsible for the information their children read, whether from the mailman you mention or from a jw, mormon, schoolteacher or anyone else, and can choose to do with it what they will, as you have done. I respect your choice and wish you well in raising your children. It's a tough job, the toughest one around.
tall penguin -
thanks for your response. I understand what you are saying. I think this is a topic I have strong feelings with because I was molested as a child. I for one have always talked opening with my kids about sex and what is/is not appropriate for people to do to them. And I taught them from day one that it is o.k. to say no to an adult. And that an adult should always respect their private areas.
I was furious that the WT would put this information into a book but yet did not deal with the pedophile issue properly. I was in a hall where a pedophile was hid. I was furious when I found out my son who was 7 at the time was using the restroom along side this man who had been jailed at least three times for rape and sodomy of young boys. One unsuspecting family even invited this man into their home for the evening and they had a young child also. This man was told by the elders not to go to the friends home if they have kids, but no one was keeping watch over him to make sure he did not do this. Since the elders did not warn anyone because they were afraid others outside the hall would find out , the kids in the hall were in real danger. Not long after I left the hall, during a convention, this man tried to attack a young boy in the restroom. I found out also later that this man admitted many times to the elders that he still had "wrong desires" towards children. If the WT dealt properly with these types of issues and had the parents input about the sexual material they put in their publications, I would have more respect for them.
I think the fact that you approached the parents first showed that you had the proper respect for their authority and you recognized that only they would know if their children were ready for that type of material.
I think one of the underlying issues I have with the WT is that they are underhanded and sneaky about things and also they undermine the parents authority over their own children by getting involved in family issues they have no business to be involved in.
I hope I did not mean to seem like I was angry towards you, but this is a sore spot for me. I opologize if I came on strong. Thanks again for your response, have a great evening, Lilly
I've just about finished Ray Franz's book Crisis of Conscience. What an eye opener! Well, it seems that the Commentary on James was written by Ed Dunlap. I don't have Franz's book with me at the moment, but I seem to remember that someone on the GB disagreed with the wording on some small part of the book and Franz rewrote a paragraph to kind of smooth over the objection. Anyway, from reading Franz's book, it seems that Ed Dunlap was a good man who really knew the Bible better than anyone on the GB, and he got the axe for his Bible trained conscience. What a raw deal! I have the WT Library on CD 2005. It contains the text for the Commentary on James. I wonder if the text has been altered from the originally published book.