I've having a hard time dealing with the present time in my life

by Undecided 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    I don't have any problems that I am dealing with but I can't seem to enjoy the present. Everywhere I go I recall the past life with my family when I was young and they were alive. I remember the houses we called on when I was a JW with my dad and mother, cousins etc. I go by some of the old houses my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins lived in and I get melancoly remembering those times. I miss my family so much lately, don't know why. I think I may have a form of depression. I hope it's not the beginning of Alzheimers. I can't remember names anymore and it makes me so mad when I try to remember old movie stars and people I worked with. I don't enjoy my old hobbies now. I can't seem to get really interested in anything like I used to do. Any suggestions?

    Ken P.

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate


    I'm sorry you are feeling that way.

    It would not hurt to tell your doctor how you are feeling. It could be physiological and treated.


  • parakeet

    You need medical help. See your family doctor. Describe to him/her exactly what you've described here. Follow his/her instructions.
    I often forget names and other small details, too. My doctor told me about this little test to determine whether you need to worry about Alzheimer's. He said that if you forget where you put your car keys, and you hunt for them in the usual places (purse, countertop, pockets, etc.), that's just normal aging. If you forget where you put your car keys, and you hunt for them in the fish tank, then you need to be tested for Alzheimer's.
    Good luck.

  • MidwichCuckoo
    I think I may have a form of depression

    If YOU think that's a possibility then you ought see a doctor. EVERYONE goes through some sort of depression during a lifetime - part of being human I think. If you haven't suffered any long-term mental health problems, I imagine a short course of tablets will get you feeling as right as rain in no time.

    I don't enjoy my old hobbies now

    Try some NEW ones?

    If you forget where you put your car keys, and you hunt for them in the fish tank, then you need to be tested for Alzheimer's.
    Lol Parakeet - I'll remember that..........I hope.
  • Dismembered

    Greetings Undecided

    Justa reminder, life is full of "peaks and valleys"


  • LittleToe

    If it's any consolation, my memory has really started to deteriorate these last few years, and I'm still in my 30s!!! I also miss so many of my family members, especially those who ahve passed away. It's a very human condition, though I'm not making light of your own plight.

    The suggestion to start a new hobby sounds like a good one.

    You're a good guy, Ken. Keep on keeping on

  • luna2


    I like the suggestions about checking in with your doc. Hope you feel better soon!

  • KW13

    hey buddy, sorry to hear your feeling like this!

    go see your doc, maybe start doing some walks that don't take much effort or thinking about but time for ya to get fresh air and clear your head.

  • anewme

    Undecided, a trip to the doctor is in order! At least eliminate the worry about the alzy.
    Just yesterday I was having a very nice day. I was in a beautiful store of all places and I became absolutely gripped with pain and sorrow and longing for my JW family.

    I think it was triggered by seeing some children with their mothers or something.

    Anyway I am getting used to this attack of nostalgia that comes from behind me and whacks me on the back of the head-----I should say heart.

    I just try to relax and "be" with it and let it pass. And it does.

    It is very understandable that those of us in exile undergo the occassional blues over the life we lost.

    But in truth, life is not guaranteed in any shape or form and loss is part of this life.

    It is better to embrace our path and envision ourselves as adventurors or explorers on our journey into new territories of the heart.
    Remember your pain is being shared daily by thousands of fellow dfd people all around the world.

    Hope you get some help to feel better soon!


  • love2Bworldly

    Hi--you need to have a check-up. Just an FYI though, depression can cause a 'fog' like feeling that impairs your memory. I'm only 43 and I have severe memory problems due to depression and poor ability to deal with stress.

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