Definitely a trip to the doctor first. Then take a look at your social life. No, I don't mean how many babes you've bagged lately! What do you do for fun? Do you go dancing, to the movies, out to dinner? Sometimes we all, irregardless of age, get caught in a rut of working and being home and lose touch with our support groups or stop cultivating new people. My therapist told me that one of the reasons JWs have a hard time emotionally when they leave the religion is because they are forced to make the organization and ONLY the organization their support group. We need lots of support groups so when one poops out on us we have another one to turn to.
I went to a party last Sunday that was a combination anniversary party for my friends and 80th birthday party for Greg's mother, and it was a blast! About 2/3 of the group were friends of Donna's (the 80-year-old), and they spent most of the evening dancing (there was a band). I had one gentleman ask me to dance -- he looked like he was in his late 60's and quite the flirt -- and he was a great dancer. These people obviously get out and DO things and you can see the enjoyment of life radiating from them.
Learn from the past but don't live in it.