Welcome Warlock!
You said, in part:
I woke up one day, not that long ago, and realized I have just lost over 20 years of my life, waiting for something that is probably not going to come in my lifetime, but I was told that it would be coming "soon".
Mull this over: not only is it not coming "soon," it is not coming at all. Period. You have been sold a Marvel comics, technicolor 3D called "the Paradise Fantasy." You're not alone. Almost all of us here stood in line either ahead of you or behind you, bought our tickets, watched the movie and bought the t-shirt, too.
Then you observed,
I did not prepare for the future, which has become the present. Couldn't they have said, from the platform: "Brothers, we feel that we are living in the last days. We are not sure how long this time period is going to be, so you need to live your life in such a way, that if you should get old and die in this system, you will have made the appropriate plans for the future. This system may last longer than we think, since no one knows the day or the hour."
You understand how addiction is all about DEPENDANCY, don't you? Having a congregation that is upwardly mobile and self-sufficient runs counter to the aims a dependancy cults like the Watchtower.
What can we do? Join with THE WHO in singing "We won't get fooled again..."