Did you go "Wild", when you had your first Credit Card?

by JH 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Gee, I had my first one at 45 years old... I always paid cash, and didn't seem to need a credit card. One day a lady at a Canadian Tire store offered me one, so I filled out the papers and now I have one. It's useful to buy things on the net, and when taking a trip.

    It's so easy to spend with a credit card, especially when so many things are missing.

    How did you cope with your first credit card? Did you start spending too much?

  • daystar

    I got my first one, and my second, and my third at 19. Handling finances was just not something I was taught. I was just told to "handle them" in a judgemental fashion, if at all.

    So they all were maxed out and eventually were written off.

    Now, I pay cash for just about everything. I have one credit card for emergencies.

    A book I read entitled The Richest Man in Babylon helped me immensely in really understanding, in simple terms, how to handle finances. I would highly recommend this little book first, before any others.

  • Nosferatu

    I got my first and only CC at age 20. I still have only one which is only used for emergencies.

    I can't remember what I first bought on it, but I paid it off right away. It was probably cigarettes.

  • serendipity

    I didn't go wild until I graduated from college. I neede a new work wardrobe, furniture and stuff for my first apartment. Before I knew it, I was $2500 in debt (excluding car payments). I starved myself and skimped to pay that off in a little over a year. Never again I said, and I haven't run up that much, percentage wise, again.

  • greendawn

    I did use it a little more than I could comfortably pay back at first and then I got rid of it so as not to have the temptation. I just use a debit card without an overdraught facility. You can't get into debt that way.

  • ballistic

    No - not at all. I have my head screwed on when it comes to money. I'm sure some people have their debits and credits mixed up. One mate of mine came round all smiles one day with a bottle of champagne in one hand and said, "hey I'm one thousand pounds richer!... I just got a bank loan!", and I said, "you're NOT 1000 pounds richer, you are 1000 pounds in debt."

  • luna2

    I was very responsible with my credit cards until just a few years ago. I got on the internet, met people from different parts of the country, and then went hog wild taking trips to visit them. Let's see, I went to Florida six or seven times, Ohio about eight times, Pennsylavnia several times, Nebraska, Kentucky, Tennessee, San Diego, Las Vegas, Kansas City and Chicago...doesn't count numerous weekend trips to NYC and Boston. ::sigh:: Oh well, at least I had a good time....too bad I'm paying it for it now.

  • ballistic

    hehe - sounds a bit like my trip I'm going on soon luna.

  • luna2

    It was really great fun, ballistic. I'm sure you'll have a blast. Just don't spend too much more than you have in the bank. Its no fun to have to pay this stuff off over several years and not be able to go anywhere. WAH!!! LOL

  • damselfly

    Not at all. My card is only used for emergencies and making large purchases ($1000+~ more than my debit limit)
    When I first applied for the card I told them I only wanted a limit of $500 but they keep on increasing it.
    I always pay more than the minimum (sometimes I make 2-3 payments a month)


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