Evolutionary Path

by msil 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • msil

    as one of the knowledge-seekers who has not had the means or opportunity to do a lot of research I have benefitted greatly from the work of Alan, Jan and some some others.

    I have a question concerning the different "paths" which are followed on the way "out" of the dubs. How many paths are there? What are the stages along the way for each? Is it totally different for everyone?

    I ask since I am still at a "I have no clue" stage. I have no idea what to believe, where we came from, does God exist or how to even begin reconciling these things in my own mind. As I have posted previously I find myself as an agnostic right now but I do not even know what questions to ask? Knowing which questions to means I have accepted a DIRECTION. How can I accept a direction if I do not know where I am trying to get to? So I guess I am stuck!! How does one find the questions to ask - without getting stuck in a direction?

    The only thing I can resolve at this point is that I will try and do what is good for myself and for others. I find myself hyper-crtical of people with a religious-bent or spiritual-inclination. then I think to myself - does that mean I picked a DIRECTION by means of elimination?

    It seems as if people either reject religious leanings on their way out or they cling to hybrid notions of God/Jesus and either join religious groups or form a personal form of devotion.
    What makes some take one path versus another? Are there other paths?

    For me right now "I just exist". I have no hope for the future and I have no idea about anything else.

  • SixofNine
    The only thing I can resolve at this point is that I will try and do what is good for myself and for others.

    Why should there be much more to it than that? Seems to me, even Jesus (if he really said what was attributed to him) boiled it all down to not much more than that.

    Life gets complicated enough, take and enjoy the simplicity where you can. Can one possibly go wrong with your motto?

    Btw, you will fail. Don't beat yourself up too much. Just keep good motives, and keep trying.

  • SixofNine

    BTW, msil, just curious about this: "For me right now "I just exist". I have no hope for the future and I have no idea about anything else.

    Do you really mean you have no hope for the future, or just no particular hope for an afterlife event?

  • msil

    6 of 9,

    I obviously have ambitions and some goals but at this point I feel fatalistic about most things. For example: I want to make lots of cash (don't we all), but there are many dependencies to doing so. So I might and I might not. I will work my ass off to get it but either way I do not have any specific hope. It will be there or it won't.

    As far as afterlife - I have no clue. I do not profess any special interpretation of some book and I do not have the privilege of having personal conversations with the Lord.

  • Silverleaf

    Hello msil!

    Your post touched a cord with me - and although I have never been a JW I do know how you feel on this one, especially when you say:

    >>I am still at a "I have no clue" stage. I have no idea what to believe, where we came from, does God exist or how to even begin reconciling these things in my own mind. As I have posted previously I find myself as an agnostic right now but I do not even know what questions to ask? <<

    I spent many years feeling that way and all I can say is, don't sweat it. Really. If you don't know what to ask, don't ask anything. Information is all over the place, just let it flow around you and pick up what looks interesting and examine it further, ignore that which does not 'speak' to you. Just existing for a time is fine. If you've recently left the org [I'm sorry if you posted this info - I don't know your history] but if you have, then you need time to just be. What to believe or not believe will sort itself as time goes on. As Sixofnine says just enjoy your life -

    You asked: How many paths are there?
    About 6 billion. [Seriously]

    What are the stages along the way for each?

    I'm not sure, but I think some of them are: Fear, Confusion, Questioning, Voracious consumption of information, Formulation of ideas...consumption of more information, reformulation of ideas, more confusion, more consumption of information, and enlightenment.

    Is it totally different for everyone?

    Yes. The journey, that is. I think sometimes the stages we go through are similar.

    I hope this helps. Just remember you're not alone in not knowing.


  • SixofNine

    Yeah! What he said.

    Also, fatalistic is not good. I would choose a different path than that. Sounds flippant, but it isn't.

  • AlanF

    There's no rush, msil. There's nothing wrong with being in the "I have no clue" stage. There's lots to learn, lots of time to do it. Eventually you'll get where you're going, even though neither you nor I have any clue where that will be.

    A great deal of joy in living is to be got from the journey from here to there. Savor it while you're in it. Understand that "I have no answer" is not wrong.

    There are an infinite number of paths out of the shackles of Fundamentalism. You have only to apply yourself to wide learning, as your circumstances allow, and you'll see. Don't rush it. Take your time and explore the many sidepaths you'll come upon. Don't do what we did as JWs -- put aside your questions for later and think you'll come back to them. You won't -- you just won't take the time. Go down the sidepaths until you've gotten an explanation that satisfies you. Then continue on your main path. And keep in mind that your main path will be flexible, and will evolve as you learn more. Nothing is cast in stone, except that you will learn things you never expected.


  • Abaddon

    msil; I personally did the 'slash and burn' approach; rip it all down, get an education, see what grows.

    It does take time though. The reason why I think 'slash and burn' is good is that otherwise you find yourself defending a previously held belief because it is a previously held belief, perhaps not due to the soundness of that belief.

    Of course, as the ground you clear will be unique,what will grow will be unique. If it doesn't hurt anyone, why do you have to believ what another person believes?

    I think it's not so much choosing a path as making your own.

    It was for me anyway.

    All the best

  • Tina

    Hi msil,
    As Alan stated,'there are many paths'.
    Keep on exploring and educatiing yourself,this is a consciousness raising endevour.
    Yes it takes time and work.
    Let the facts lead you.Change and growth is a process not an event. The process must be objective and non-judgemental.
    Appreciate the diversity of ideas that in itself is growth and change,which in turn leads us along.
    Wishing you the best on your journey! Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny..."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense-you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • msil

    6/9, Alan, Abbadon, Silverleaf & Tina,

    Thanks for the posts - i appreciate the discreet points each of you have made on this thread.

    It seems as if it is very easy just to throw your hands up in the place where I am now and say "I am clueless and I have no way to turn so why even try anything?". I have sat here wondering for a while about this and I appreciate the insights each of you gave.

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