Oh do I ever remember this lecture...
Let's see, I was 12 and it was the "fad" at the congregation, so I did it, cuz the girl I liked did... It's kind of like having a 12 year old sign a loan for a house IT'S NOT LEGAL, NOR IS IT A RESPONSIBLE THING TO DO!
So your thinking, ok I do this and they get off of my back, not at all, YOUR HOOKED NOW!
Then when the minasterial servant crap came knocking at my door (that I must be doing something bad, since I didn't want to take the responsibility), try not wanting to bury my face in books all freakin day & night and never have a life, not that I did anyway.
I was smart, I escaped, had my "file" sent to another congregation where no one knew me, attended a few meetings here and there at the new congregation, and then dissapeared off the face of the earth. I had to get out soon, or it would have gotten worse, Like Josh's story and coming out of the closet.
oh i could go on forever, gotta get to bed.
later gators :)