Hope the scans show up ok.. The article is presented as it comes, for your own assessment. You could not make this stuff up!
July 15 2006 WT - Uncleanness - disfellowshp?- details
by BluesBrother 63 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks for the scans they posted picture perfect,here we have more endless man made rules from the Watchtower. The whole concept of the Watchtower's shunning protocol is wrong from the get-go. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 'R THE FAMILY WRECKERS OF THE WORLD
"if my family has any contact with me they will be justifying my ungodly lifestyle"
Ring a bell? It's not from the JW's it's an excerpt form the discovery channel documentary on 'doomsday cults' describing the practice of the Roberts group a disturbing cult.
See all cults like JW's have a shunning shame device to control members.. To be treated like a man of the nations (gentile) or as a tax collector does not mean that i am viewed as 'dead' by my mother.
Everything about the WT's shunning protocol is twisted and demonic.
The shunning by other religions for comparison is irrevelant as the Watchtower claims that it's disfellowshipping is at the direction of the holy spirit so it must be infallible.This is outright blaspheme.
In just one year 1987 i calculated by the WT's own stats that 4.4 men woman and children were DF per hour as the world turned on it's axis.
Get this,the Watchtower asserts that every single one was @ "the direction of the holy spirit"
This is utter blaspheme by the watchtower/elder leadership.
How many blasphemes do you charlatans need to be eternally damned?One,or how about 37,000 for that year of 1987?These are wrecked and ruined lives people.
Matthew 18:10 Jesus dire warning to his high ranking apostles;" see to it that you do not despise one of these little ones,for i tell you their angels in heaven always behold the face of my father who is in heaven."
The written and oral directives of the flunky elders is one priority,that is to intimidate and save face with the followers and to stonewall a potential civil lawsuit.
Look either it's the Holy Spirit or it ain't da Holy spirit.They told me even when they are wrong in Judgment i must consider it a test of my faith and bite the bullet.What kind of mealy mouthing gobbledygook is that?
No it's blaspheme.
-tell the truth and don't be afraid-Danny Haszard 'expert witness on the jehovah Witness' -
While at Bethel ,GB Member Gerrit Losch always talked candidly during morning worship about petting and stuff. Would not be surprised if this was his article.
gotta love 2Chronicles 19:6
As you may know, it's the ELDERS who are involved in viewing porn (as mentioned in the Elders school). Thus, the article is used to kill 2 birds with one stone.
good lord!!! I swear, if they keep using the phrase "a measure of", i am going to have to bust some caps!!! That phrase was uttered so much at Bethel that we would make fun of it. Not funny no more. -
The Pharisees are at it again.
Gee, sounds like a JW youth could now get into some serious trouble if he is caught choking his chicken one time too many.
It used to be safely tucked away as "not an unforgivable sin", but now it sounds like a d/f-able offense.
Better start zipping em up boys!
Notice they bring up viewing child pornography, but fail to mention those should be reported to the authorities. -silent
Joe Grundy
I do admire the JW terminology.
I wonder how well "Hi Honey, would you like some sexual manipulation of your genitals?" would work in conversations with women.
I also note that as a smoker I am unclean and thus would not be allowed to become a JW. This must be the only known beneficial effect of smoking.
This must be the only known beneficial effect of smoking.
That is the BEST argument in favour of smoking I have EVER heard!!!
So frottage (the JDubRub) is out of the question then?
Star Moore
wow.....so happy to be gone.......What a dreadful thing to be afraid of Big Brother judging and punishing you....!!!!!!!!!!!!