I had a "discussion" with my wife today. I stated that in the past you should never be alone with those of the opposite sex even if they were relatives because of the dangers of fornication etc.(don't visit them alone) I don't think I am making this up. I seem to recall that you should not even have them living in your house because of the danger caused. My wife says I am making it all up and I am full of S&* T . Help me please...am I loosing it???
Do you recall (Blondie or others)
by Poztate 30 Replies latest jw friends
You are not losing it. WT has been paranoid about men being alone with women, while in service, bible studies, return visits, etc.
Fred Franz seemed to be the main originator of it. He used to say, and it is in the WT somewhere, that "I made a vow never to be alone with a sister in a room without the door open." (ought to be easy to find)
The society even condemned older sisters (like 70 or so) from going on calls with young brothers.
Relatives would be the same.
When you think about it, most pedophelia takes place in the family, or step-family.
So, move your 19 year old sister in law that is an exotic dancer out of your house, cause if you don't---you might become a POZTATE.
There was a time that a sister wanted to have her brother share an apartment with her and they could not. The elders were afraid of what the neighbors would think if they did not know they were related. This was true if you were only visiting. I remember at one quick build a single sister (no ring) was hugged by her "fleshly" brother (wedding ring) and a sister turned them into an elder thinking there was some hanky panky going on.
Yes, the WTS and its members can be that foolish.
Blondie...Do we have anything in print that I can use..
There was a time that a sister wanted to have her brother share an apartment with her and they could not.
We have a bro and sister in this congo sharing apt. but no action taken...both in mid 80's
So, move your 19 year old sister in law that is an exotic dancer out of your house, cause if you don't---you might become a POZTATE.
Well ...That's not going to happen......
Nothing in print that I know of. In their 80's, probably figure nothing could be going on sexually anyway. The elders don't need anything in print, just their nasty imaginations. This carried into not being able to share a hotel room either for the convention.
I remembered 2 more cases where a sister and a brother ("fleshly") want to get an apartment together but could not unless their mother or father lived with them. In both cases, these people were in the 20's.
I think one elder cited the situation of Tamar being raped by her half-brother Amnon when she looked after him when he pretended to be sick and she let herself be alone with him.
Another elder brought out that they might see each other lightly clothed and get ideas (as if they hadn't been living together in their family with the same possible "danger").
I know a guy who left his wife and when she dared to travel overseas with her fleshly brother (a year or so after her loser JW husband left her), the JW separated husband accused her of "pornea" and the elders actually investigated the matter. These same elders could not be bothered to chase down the loser husband who left his JW wife, but they chased after her when he accused her of having sex with her brother. What is wrong with these people!
If there were anything, I think it would more likely be in a Questions from Readers article.
If there were anything, I think it would more likely be in a Questions from Readers article.
Thanks Blondie...I'll try wading through a few of them.
The never pulled out any articles when they spoke to my GF, but they did pull out examples of how there are people out there who have hooked up w/ their relatives, so as Christians you would always want to live a life above reproach, so as to avoid reproach upon Jah's name. Blah, blah, blah. But my GF could not recall any articles or scriptures used during the JC. But that might be because she only saw red over that JC meeting.