Do you recall (Blondie or others)

by Poztate 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubaDub

    I stated that in the past you should never be alone with those of the opposite sex even if they were relatives because of the dangers of fornication

    Yes, being alone with a close relative could certainly provide an extreme temptation for some. Especially those living in Southern States like Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, etc.

    Rub a Dub

  • greendawn

    An elder once told me that it's not right to be alone with a sister even if she is up to the age of 70, which I thought is strange since not many young men would feel sexually attracted to women of that age.

    It shows how paranoid they are about sex, the rest of society was similarly paranoid up to the 1960's then got over it, but not the JWs.

  • Poztate

    Thanks to everyone for your comments and attempts to help me solve this. It looks like I will have to wade through some publications and see if I can discover the source for my thoughts on the subject. I know there is something out there and I will just have to research a few WT's to see if I can figure it out.

  • Elsewhere
    Another elder brought out that they [Brother and Sister] might see each other lightly clothed and get ideas (as if they hadn't been living together in their family with the same possible "danger").

    And THAT is why it's called the Dirty South.

    An elder once told me that it's not right to be alone with a sister even if she is up to the age of 70, which I thought is strange since not many young men would feel sexually attracted to women of that age.

    You never know... she might take out her dentures and then one thing will lead to another!

  • LDH

    Poz, might you be referring to the counsel for a brother not to give 'spiritual counsel' to a sister in private? There was most definitely articles in print about this.

    Strong circumstantial evidence, such as pregnancy or evidence (testified to by at least two witnesses) that the accused stayed all night in the same house with a person of the opposite sex (or in the same house with a known homosexual) under improper circumstances, is acceptable.”

    This is not true. I know of a young brother who frequently slept at the house of an older single welfare mom, (think 20 and 35) and EVERYONE knew it. He claimed he was just sleeping on the sofa and for all I know he was. He went on to marry her about a year later. Ya right they were 'chaste' until marriage. He was a ministerial servant at the time.

    Silent you know who it is.

    There were a couple of sisters in my old congregation whose car would break down and they would call my father to come fix it. He always took one of us kids, and without fail the car would start.


    Get AAA Class

  • mouthy

    Greendawn>An elder once told me that it's not right to be alone with a sister even if she is up to the age of 70, which I thought is strange since not many young men would feel sexually attracted to women of that age. SHUCKS!!!!!!!

    Elsewhere > Naughty !!naughty!!

  • gumby

    Ya don't wanna be with close kin alone....looky what happened to me and my twin brothewr fer cripes sake

    My ma never shoulda been alone with her dang brother


  • TresHappy

    I remember driving to a wedding some distance from where I used to live and this guy and I carpooled. He was so upset about it - thinking what others might think...I asked him, do you really think I would do anything with you? Although nice, he was the most unattractive man in our congregation!

  • orangefatcat

    I personally wouldn't give a rats ass what the Society thinks, If I wanted to live with my brother, I would and wouldn't care what the elders thought. They all must have dirty minds.

    I know that there is incest, in families, but hell who'd move in with a pedeophile or sexual pervert family member? That is a different senerio all together different. The WTS must think everyone is stupid and can't think for themselves. How narrow minded their thinking is .


  • Poztate

    Ya don't wanna be with close kin alone....looky what happened to me and my twin brothewr fer cripes sake

    I take it you are the one on the right in the picture.Your brother got all the looks in the family.

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