New JWD members on the Horizon!

by Sign oTimes 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sign oTimes
    Sign oTimes

    Soon (if they haven't already) local congregations of JWs will welcome newly disillusioned former members of the bethel family.
    The most potentially dangerous have been paid off already (But what do you mean? Weren't we all given severances equally proportionate to our years of devoted service?), but there are many more ‘hangers on’ to be let go, those who refuse to ‘take a hint’.
    Having recently spoken with many, there are fresh frustrations with the wts brewing. Like abused children they cautiously continue to support the mother org, while trusting that somehow being kicked out of their comfort zone is god's direction toward their better interests.
    Things will be quite different for these wordly innocents, as they learn to satisfy the most basic of personal needs. The gb have assured them that hordes of loving jws will welcome them into comfortable homes and that jeh will look out for them after years of faithfully serving at his house. They have been promised sheep yearning for their years of organizational experience to guide them in fulfilling jc’s commission to preach the wt good news.
    Ah, but what a rude awakening awaits as power hungry local elders protect domains and mini-empires. How difficult it will be to beat down on those that feed you. See how those who were previously considered weak ones humble the mighty. It’s not so easy to work, take care of a family, study for every meeting, take care of a home, preach in every season, and still be brow beat by your mother org, is it? Why doesn't this feel like the many times we visited each year to give a district convention talk? JC warned you, ‘ a prophet is not welcome in his own home’. Well, you’re home now! The chickens have come to roost for you.
    Yet now is not the time to chide these poor, desperate souls. Befriend and console them. For trustful companions they will need. They are excellent sources of fresh inside information. Give them just 6 months, a year or a couple of years max and they will begin the vent their complaints. They will level with close associates, that they feel shafted and betrayed. Without the prying eyes of wt police in their private abodes, they will begin to first just casually view our postings. Then, before they know it they too will share.
    WTS has opened a Pandora’s box. Will the vows of silence that had us sign protect you? Perhaps! (What do you mean? Weren't we legally required to sign those 'waivers of responsibility' as we parted?) Will class action litigation suits from our families and interested parties ensue? Most likely. We can be certain, though that this will lead to significant changes in wt policies.
    Let’s eagerly watch how the story develops!

  • Leolaia

    Welcome to the Board! :smile:

    Are you one of these ex-Bethelites? It should be interesting to see how things develop in the next year.

  • doinmypart

    Welcome Sign oTimes.

    You are correct. I know one couple that has already been reassigned to a congregation, after spending 26 years at Bethel. They are not happy.

    Another couple I know are nervous. The husband told me they are worried, but trusting in Jehovah.

    WTS has opened a can of worms.

  • jwfacts

    Welcome, an excellent post. It looks like fun times ahead at JWD.

  • luna2

    Should be some very interesting times ahead. Looking forward to it.

  • under_believer

    Welcome to the board. I too am looking forward to seeing how this develops, but I'm cautious about getting too excited about it: is the Society simply being unrealistic and optimistic about how this will all work out? Or do they know something we don't, and they have some reason to believe that it won't blow up in their face?

  • Dismembered

    Greetings Sign oTimes,

    You sound serious. Let's see what happens


  • Amnesty Vendor
    Amnesty Vendor

    Welcome Sign!

    u_b: I agree that the wts has taken as many precautionary steps as possible, but keep in mind these recent changes are reactionary measures to mounting legal pressures.

    Their hand has been forced. Disgruntled volunteer workers is the lesser evil when compared to the heavy fines of the EEOC and US Department of Labor.

  • Amnesty Vendor
    Amnesty Vendor

    Welcome Sign! u_b: I agree that the wts has taken as many precautionary steps as possible, but keep in mind these recent changes are reactionary measures to mounting legal pressures. Their hand has been forced. Disgruntled volunteer workers is the lesser evil to the heavy fines of the EEOC.

  • What-A-Coincidence
    is the Society simply being unrealistic and optimistic about how this will all work out?


    During this whole time BETHEL is brainwashing the bethelites telling them that Jehovah is directing all these matters, bla bla bla


    Brain swashing through the MORNING WORSHIP PROGRAM

    Brainwashing through BETHEL FAMILY WATCHTOWER STUDY (of the, how can x paragraph apply to Bethel life)

    It's all over folks! You ready to break out of Hotel California?



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