Make Apostates or the Internet the wild beast!
They might be on to something with that. We could get rid of false religion.
I've always pondered that. I mean, c'mon, who here thinks the UN will turn on religion? They can't even keep the diplomacy ship afloat. Their KotN theory could still switch over to Islam - it's certainly not Russia anymore(not that it really matters anyway). If you break it down, what is truly causing the WTS to lose members? Is it the governments? Other religions? Or is it the r&f learning the real truth about the org via the internet?
Let's get real. The primary attack on Jah's earthly organization is occuring right now through the internet - at least that is how WTS hq must be seeing it. Once the dubbies read about anything, anything that causes a small trigger in their minds, chances are their donations will start to dwindle. This is obviously what is happening right now. All of the signs are there. What we are seeing at bethel right now is easily comparative to a normal corporate restructuring/revamping. If your expenditures are greater than your earnings, you must downsize, streamline, or do whatever it takes to get back into the black. If they still end up having the same cashflow issues in the near future, you can count on them getting rid of the CO's cars, possibly shuttering branches throughout the world and consolidating printing operations in just a few locations, eliminating the "special pioneer" and "missionary" positions(they get paid!), merging congregations and selling off kh's, no more quickbuilds, eliminate nearly half of the CO positions and make the circuits larger(one visit a year is enough), print less books and more brochures and tracts instead, either drop the Awake altogether or cut the WT down to one a month as well, hell, I could go on and on.
As far as what is slated to be the next big "new light," it's anyone's guess.