It's for the new blood doctrine that's coming out...
by Gill 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's for the new blood doctrine that's coming out...
usually because the elders are lax.
So the FDS is serving up the Ex-lax.
I think this is a pre-emptive strike - they're scrambling to effect some damage control. "Murmurers" (whatever that is - Christ a'mighty!) are going to be gone after in a big way - everybody is deputized, maybe even wired up - murmurers will be made an example of - no more Mr. Nice Guy! You R & F are out there just having a great old time, bitchin' about the GB - well, the party's over, Pilgrims! Dance! Too bad they don't have the Duke to deliver the message..........
Does anybody else smell Kool-Aid?
"slurp...smack...smack..." yewww, this Kool Aid needs more shuger!
Can you elaborate more on the elimination of the Elder Arrangement in Bethel?
I did not know know this change.
Bethel Elder topic
"slurp...smack...smack..." yewww, this Kool Aid needs more shuger!
no murmurings about the koolaid, okay? you will drink it, and you will like it.