How many of you ex-JW's salute the flag, sing the National Anthem, and are ready to kill in a war for the USA?
Are you patriotic?
by catbert 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
ME! Although, I would only fight in a war that I honestly felt was an attack against America and not one that was yet to be determined.
How many of you ex-JW's salute the flag, sing the National Anthem, and are ready to kill in a war for the USA?
I' don't salute anything... If my Anthem is "With A Little Help From My Friends", Then Yeah... The only thing I'm killing is this Spliff that I'm holding/smoking
i apostasized against countries and chunks of land owned by people with big guns a while back. so no, not patriotic at all. when people sing the national anthem, i standand watch them like i used to watch people singing at the kingdom hall back when i was still in, but mentally free.
anarchist. indefensible and unworkable for large groups of us apes. but anarchist anyways.
Very much so ...just not for the USA. I am 100% Canadian and damn proud of it.
I am proud of what this country stands for internationally. I am almost 'american' in my patriotism for Canada.
We have our weaknesses but am proud of our strengths. Our tolerance, our compassion and our historical record for peace.
We also have some of the most picturesque landscapes.
Yep. I am Patriotic but honest about our faults at the same time.
Uzzah -
Lady Lee
How many of you ex-JW's salute the flag, sing the National Anthem, and are ready to kill in a war for the USA?
well no to the last part
Otherwise Uzzah said it for me
Living in the capital city of Canada I am appreciating Canada more and more all the time
Only when it's convenient -
I will never support the government of President George W. Bush. He needs to move back to the Crawford ranch and clear brush full-time.
Not really much occassion to salute the flag since leaving grade school. I do stand respectfully and such when the anthem is played, I do it because America at least ideally stands for some very precious concepts like freedom of expression, tolerance and prosperity for the masses. Would I go to war? Yes if I could see the necessity of it. Sadly our wars lately have been poorly conceived wars of choice. Presently I support the troops by wishing them safe return from needless wars and opposing leaders who thoughtlessly put them in harms way.
I know both the english and french lyrics to the national anthem and sang both at my graduation very proudly. We don't salute the flag here but I would if we we did and I always take off my hat and stand for the national anthem at hockey games.
How many of you ex-JW's salute the flag Yes sing the National Anthem Yes are ready to kill in a war for the USA? As long as it is not murder Ex 20:13 Do not murder.