I hear "No Problem" more than I hear "You're Welcome" or "Uh Huh".
When I first started working, I was painfully shy. The service industry was a nightmare for me - I wanted to hide myself in a lab where I wouldn't have to face new people every day. Then I worked with someone who did sales for a living and I have to say that he helped me come out of my shell and gain a lot of self-confidence in communicating with customers.
One of the things I learned from him was how to accept a "Thank You" gracefully, without feeling conspicuous or embarrassed. One thing I hated was feeling like a "Thank You" was shining a big spotlight on me and being noticed for something I was supposed to be doing, not anything extraordinary. As a result of my salesman/friend's help, I have a little repertoire of responses for whenever anyone says "Thank You":
- It's been my pleasure.
- I'm happy to do it for you.
- You're welcome, I've enjoyed working with you.
Where I work now, we are coming up on Staff Appreciation Week. I found out from a colleague that a patient mentioned me when the hospital CEO went around with the nurse manager and asked patients about the nurses who had worked with them and the best experience they had with the staff. The patient had told the CEO that it meant a lot to her that I went to see her at the end of the shift to say good-bye (not everyone does it, but I think it's an important part of care delivery), and she was most impressed when she thanked me for looking after her, that I responded with "It's been my pleasure."