Who here had ever heard of this so-called 'doctrine' of "Theocratic Warfare" when you were a Jehovah's Witness?
Who has not heard of the so-called doctrine now that you are an apostate?
So why have Witnesses never heard of 'doctrine', yet apostates seem to promote it as the last word on Witness standards of honesty, integrity and decency? The answer is simple: apostates made the whole thing up!
Of course, old Witness publications, mainly from the 50s and 60s, did talk about something called "Theocratic War" - but it patently did not mean what apostates later twisted it to mean. Witnesses faced difficult situations in Nazi Germany and especially Communist countries that meant that they felt they would conscientiously have to lie to some in authority in those lands to protect themselves and their brothers. Yet apostates have twisted that simple and honest pragmatic measure and made it into something sinister - almost as if Jehovah's Witnesses promoted lying in general! What a lie that is! What a travesty against those honest people. Apostates should be ashamed of themselves when they promote such a distorted picture of such a gentle people.
The worst apostate of the lot has to Jerry Bergman, who has written the most wicked tract claiming that Jehovah's Witnesses apply some general "Theocratic Warfare" and use this to justify lying in court. He even quotes a sister out of context as using the 'doctrine' to lie to the police - an act condoned in the Watchtower. What he fails to mention in his booklet is that this sister lived in Nazi Germany and that the 'police' with whom she was dealing was in fact the Gestapo! I am sure some Witnesses and lawyers have lied in court (like many others in such situations I am sure some Witnesses would stop at nothing to keep their children - is that so unusual?) - but to pretend that it is part of some wider strategy or 'doctrine' is just plain dishonest!
Let us call an end to this "Theocratic Warfare" of apostates!