Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-11-06 WT Study (SHEPHERDS 2)

by blondie 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-11-06 WT Study (May 1, 2006 issue date, pages 22-26)(SHEPHERDS 2) Review comments will be in redWT material from today's WT will be in black
    Quotes from other sources will be in quotes boxes
    w = Watchtower
    g = Awake
    jv = Proclaimers book (various Bible translations online) (WT publications online) (child abuse) (blood issue) (United Nations issue)


    "Jehovah himself gives wisdom; out of his mouth there are knowledge and discernment."-PROVERBS 2:6.

    Opening Comments

    Let's examine the title of this article:

    Jehovah trains--not Jesus?

    his flock--not Jesus?

    Have you ever tried to find where and how often the WTS refers to the flock as belonging to Jesus?

    Where is Jesus in this article? Again, an OT scripture is used to put Jesus in the background.

    Is it no wonder that when asked by non-JWs what religion they are, they reply: "Jehovah's Witnesses" not "Christians" not even "Jehovah's Christian Witnesses."

    In fact the WTS no longer uses that phrase in its publications, not since 1986 True Peace book (1 time).

    Not even using it in the name of the meeting places.

    *** km 4/79 p. 4 Announcements ***

    Is it appropriate to have a Kingdom Hall sign saying: "Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Christian Witnesses"? So there will be uniformity, the Society encourages all to make their signs read: "Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses."

    Couldn't the uniformity be "Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses"?

    And although a new WTS corporation was formed in 2000 and announced in January 2001 called "Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses" the phrase is used about once a year in the publications.


    Q1, 2) Why do baptized men reach out for increased responsibility in the congregation?

    1) "I was very happy when I was appointed as an elder," says Nick, who has served as an overseer for seven years. "I saw this privilege as an opportunity to expand my service to Jehovah. I felt that I owed him a debt of gratitude for all that he has done for me. I also wanted to help the members of the congregation to the fullest extent possible, to assist them in the same way that other elders have assisted me." However, mingled with his joy were some concerns. "Since I was only in my late 20's when I was appointed," Nick continues, "I worried that I would lack the needed skills-the discernment and wisdom-to shepherd the congregation effectively."

    elder...privilege...expand service to Jehovah

    Where is Jesus in this statement?

    concerns...late 20's...worried...lack the needed skills

    does being older mean that a person will have the needed skills?

    2) Those whom Jehovah appoints to care for his flock have many reasons to be happy. The apostle Paul reminded the elders from Ephesus of one reason when, quoting Jesus, he said: "There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving." (Acts 20:35) Serving as a ministerial servant or as an elder provides baptized men with additional ways to give to Jehovah and to the congregation. Ministerial servants, for example, work along with the elders. These servants also care for numerous other time-consuming but necessary assignments. Such brothers are motivated by love for God and neighbor to render valuable service.-Mark 12:30,31.

    Jehovah appoints--not Jesus? Didn't Jesus select the 12 apostles, and the apostle Paul?

    (paragraph 1) very happy...many reasons to be happy--sounds like the elders better be happy or else

    provides baptized men with additional ways to give to Jehovah...

    Where is Christ in this picture? Also, what ways can they give that are not open or required of all Christians, male or female? Giving public talks and judicial committees were not what Jesus sent his footstep followers out to do.

    Time-consuming but necessary assignments

    Where is the Bible does it say that Christians turned in time slips that took time to collect, tally, and send a report to Bethel? Where in the Bible was there literature, magazines, and territory cards to administer? and so on.......

    Motivated by it love when the only time your book study conductor talks to you is to ask you where your time slip is?

    Q3) Why may some hesitate to reach out for congregation privileges?

    3) What about a Christian man who may hesitate to reach out for the privilege of being a servant and eventually an elder because he feels inadequate? Like Nick, he may worry that he does not have the needed skills to be an effective shepherd. As a baptized brother, are you among those who feel this way? Such concerns are not groundless. Jehovah holds appointed shepherds accountable for the way they treat the flock. Jesus said: "Everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him; and the one whom people put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him."-Luke 12:48.

    Christian man--means only a JW man

    hesitate to reach out...because he feels inadequate

    because he has seen or heard how the elders treat each other and the MS; or he was an MS or elder and knows how cruelly they are treated. The WTS instead switches the blame around on the ones who refuse to reach out not the cruel ones.

    Q4) How does Jehovah assist those whom he appoints to care for his sheep?

    4) Does Jehovah expect those whom he appoints as servants and elders to carry the extra load by themselves? On the contrary, he provides practical assistance that enables them not only to cope but also to thrive. As discussed in the preceding article, Jehovah gives them his holy spirit, the fruitage of which helps them to care tenderly for the sheep. (Acts 20:28; Galatians 5:22, 23) In addition, Jehovah gives them wisdom, knowledge, and discernment. (Proverbs 2:6) How does he do this? Let us discuss three ways in which Jehovah trains individuals whom he appoints to care for his sheep.

    provides practical assistance...cope...thrive...give them his holy spirit

    practical assistance in the form of a book, not the Bible, but printed directions from the WTS (FDS/GB), "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock" book issued to new elders. (Never heard of it; that is possible if you have become a JW in the last 11 to 12 years...below last mention of it in a publication accessible to the rank and file)

    *** w94 1/15 p. 17 par. 9 Shepherds and Sheep in a Theocracy ***

    Since theocracy is God rule, effective elders are thoroughly familiar with God's will. Joshua was commanded to read the Law daily. Elders too need to study and consult the Scriptures regularly and to be thoroughly familiar with Bible literature published by the faithful and discreet slave. (2 Timothy 3:14, 15) This includes the Watchtower and Awake! magazines and other publications that show how Bible principles apply to specific situations.

    *** Footnote ***

    Among such publications is the book "Pay Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock," which contains Scriptural guidelines and is provided for appointed congregation overseers, or elders.

    Only elders are supposed to be able to read this publication. But it is online for you to see what the WTS places above the Bible when it comes to a source of instructions for elders.

    Trained by Experienced Shepherds

    Q5) Why were Peter and John effective shepherds?

    5) When the apostles Peter and John stood before the Sanhedrin, the worldly-wise judges of that court considered the men before them to be "unlettered and ordinary." Oh, they could read and write, but they had not received any rabbinic training in study of the Scriptures. Even so, Peter and John along with the other disciples had proved to be effective teachers, moving many of those who listened to them to become believers. How did these ordinary men become such extraordinary teachers? After listening to Peter and John, the court "began to recognize about them that they used to be with Jesus." (Acts 4:1-4, 13) True, they had received holy spirit. (Acts 1:8) But it was also obvious--even to those spiritually blind judges--that Jesus had trained those men. While he was with them on earth, Jesus taught the apostles not only how to gather sheeplike ones but also how to shepherd them once they became part of the fold.-Matthew 11:29; 20:24-28; 1 Peter 5:4.

    unlettered and ordinary...could read and write...not received any rabbinic training

    The first WTS mention of secular education and note that "rabbinic" training was the equivalent of university training per the WTS

    effective (how many times does the WTS use this word in this article? Seven times...perhaps they are trying to say that the elders are not effective?)

    Jesus had trained those men...Jesus taught the apostles--note title said that "Jehovah trains." Does that mean that Jesus only trained the 12 because he was on earth at the time and the WTS is saying that now that Jesus is in heaven, God has taken over the training?

    Q6) What example in training others did Jesus and Paul set?

    6) After Jesus was resurrected, he continued to train those appointed as
    shepherds. (Revelation 1:1; 2:1-3:22) For example, he personally selected Pauland supervised his training. (Acts 22:6-10) Paul appreciated the training hereceived and passed on to other elders what he had learned. (Acts 20:17-35) For instance, he invested much time and energy in training Timothy to be "a workman" in God's service, "with nothing to be ashamed of." (2 Timothy 2:15) A close bond formed between these men. Earlier, Paul wrote of Timothy: "Like a child with a father he slaved with me in furtherance of the good news." (Philippians 2:22) Paul did not seek to make Timothy or any other person a disciple of himself. Rather, he encouraged fellow believers to become `imitators of him, even as he was of Christ.'-1 Corinthians 11:1.

    Jesus...continued to train those appointed...for example...Paul

    Besides Paul, does the WTS mention anyone else being trained by Jesus?

    he (Paul) invested much time and energy in training Timothy

    So how much "time and energy" do/did the elders take in the men in your congregation? What did they talk about? Were they trained to help the sheep or were they entertained with the gossip of the congregation over donuts and coffee while the someone else took out the book study group.

    Did Paul teach Timothy that the first book he should look at was the Pay Attention elder's manual with Paul's comments written in the margin?

    Q7, 8) (a) What experience shows the good that results when elders imitate Jesus and Paul? (b) When should elders begin to train prospective ministerial servants and elders?

    7) In imitation of Jesus and Paul, experienced shepherds take the initiative to train baptized brothers, with similar good results. Consider Chad's experience. He was brought up in a religiously divided household but was recently appointed as an elder. He says: "Over the years, several experienced elders helped me to progress spiritually. Because my father was an unbeliever, those elders showed a particular interest in me and became like spiritual fathers to me. They took the time to train me in the ministry, and later, one elder in particular trained me in caring for the congregational assignments I received."

    experienced shepherds take the initiative to train...religiously divided household

    because my father was an unbeliever

    Although Chad's father may have been an active Christian...because he was not a JW he was an "unbeliever" an unbeliever in the WTS, not Christ.

    elders...spiritual fathers--meaning the elders assumed that Chad's father was not and could not be a spiritual man because he was not a JW.

    8) As Chad's experience shows, discerning shepherds start training prospective ministerial servants and elders long before these have progressed enough to qualify for such privileges. Why so? Because the Bible commands that both ministerial servants and elders attain a high moral and spiritual standard before (italics) they are appointed to serve. They must be "tested as to fitness first."-1 Timothy 3:1-10.

    Start training prospective ministerial servants and elders long before

    How young 9 years old? Oh, that's right, they have to be baptized. Oh, he is baptized, at 9 years old!

    Attain a high moral...standard BEFORE--so the WTS says to get them "trained" before puberty is the only way..........

    Q9) What responsibility do mature shepherds have, and why?

    9) If baptized brothers are to be tested, it is only fair that they are first
    trained. To illustrate: If a student at school was asked to take a difficult
    examination for which the teachers had provided no specific training, would the student pass the test? Most likely, he would fail. Therefore, training is
    needed. However, conscientious teachers train students not only to pass a test but also to use the knowledge they gain. Similarly, diligent elders help
    baptized brothers to cultivate the qualities required of an appointed man by
    providing them with specific training. They do so not merely to help these
    brothers to be appointed to serve but also to help them to be able to care
    adequately for the flock. (2 Timothy 2:2) Of course, baptized brothers must do their part and work hard to meet the qualifications required of a ministerial servant or an elder. (Titus 1:5-9) Nevertheless, by willingly training those who are reaching out for responsibility in the congregation, experienced shepherds can help them progress more quickly.

    baptized brothers are to be tested..only fair that they are first trained

    Do the elders "teach to the test"? When the Knowledge book first came out, JWs were told to "emphasize" the points in the Knowledge book that would be covered in the questions discussed with them by the elders before baptism. Was that "teaching to the test"?

    *** km 6/96 p. 6 par. 22 How to Make Disciples With the Knowledge Book ***

    The Knowledge book was written with the objective of equipping the person to answer the "Questions for Those Desiring to Be Baptized," found in the appendix of the Our Ministry book, which the elders will review with him. If you have stressed the answers to the printed questions in the Knowledge book, the student should be well equipped for the question sessions conducted by the elders in preparation for his baptism.

    do not merely help these brothers to be them to be able to care adequately for the flock

    baptized brothers must do their part

    help them progress more quickly

    So experienced elders teach to the test...tell them to be sure to keep their hours up around the national average (10), be at most of the meetings, (all things they are not required to maintain after appointment), try to be on time, and do what they were told.

    The pool of males in the congregations is much less than females, as they grow older, teenage JWs are staying less and less, baptized or not, and are not coming back after they marry and/or have children. Few men ever were "converted" to JWs from the outside and even fewer now. Maybe the "downsizing" of Bethel will force a more even balance of elders/MS in the congregations....going where the need is great? When I was in the Bethel area, the congregations averaged about 80 to 100 publishers but had 12 elders (2/3 Bethelites).

    Q10, 11) How can shepherds train others for further privileges?

    10) How, specifically, can experienced shepherds train others to care for
    congregational privileges? To begin with, by taking an interest in the brothers in the congregation-regularly working with them in the field ministry and helping them improve their ability to handle "the word of the truth aright." (2 Timothy 2:15) Mature shepherds discuss with those brothers the joys to be derived from serving others and the satisfaction they themselves receive from setting and attaining spiritual goals. They also kindly offer specific suggestions on how a brother can improve in becoming an 'example to the flock.'-1 Peter 5:3, 5.

    Train others to care for congregational privileges--how?

    Regularly working with them in the field ministry...improve their ability to hand "the word"

    Is that the word according to God or the WTS? How many times have you see any JW, let alone the elders, go d2d, and then take out their Bible, not a WT publication, not the Reasoning book?

    Mature shepherds discuss...the joys

    Don't tell them how Brother BigMouth dominates the meetings, and how BrotherNewandScared along with BrotherSurvivedthislongbylayinglow, say nothing. Don't tell them how BrotherWifeRunstheShow will come to you with complaints from "someone" in the congregation about how your wife is not measuring up and what are you going to do about it. Don't tell them how BrotherAintGettingitatHome loves to be on the JCs that have a sexual component so he can get his jollies by asking pointed, personal, sexual questions of the sister involved.

    kindly offer specific suggestions on how...can improve

    Brother, we would really like to use you, but you have to get your hours up. (not said by Paul to Timothy)

    11) Once a brother is appointed as a ministerial servant, wise shepherds
    continue training him. Bruce, who has served as an elder for decades, says: "I like to sit down with a newly appointed servant and review with him the instructions published by the faithful and discreet slave. We also read any guidelines regarding his specific assignment, and then I like to work with him until he is familiar with his duties." As a servant gains experience, he can also be trained in the shepherding work. "When I take a ministerial servant with me on a shepherding call," Bruce continues, "I help him to choose specific scriptures that will encourage and motivate the individual or the family we are to visit. Learning how to use the Scriptures in such a way that they touch the heart is essential if a servant is to become an effective shepherd."-Hebrews 4:12; 5:14.

    once...appointed...wise..continue training
    review...instructions published by the faithful and discreet slave
    (not the instructions from God! oh, they're the same thing)

    Which consists of a virgin elder's manual (no references to the BOE letters which he may not even know about which are stored at the KH). Elders are not supposed to have personal copies at home but many older ones do for CYA measures.

    Most new elders learn by doing it wrong and have the other elders show them the passage in the manual or in a BOE letter. How many letters are there, over 200? Light evening reading at the KH (you aren't supposed to take them home, remember) busily scribbling notes in your margin so you are on the same page as the other elders.

    Help him to choose specific scriptures (shepherding calls)

    Help him find the appropriate WT publication article, photocopy it, and give it to the rank and file to read after you go. Not even highlighting the scriptures.

    Q12) How can experienced shepherds train newly appointed elders?

    12) Newly appointed shepherds also benefit greatly from further training. Nick, mentioned earlier, says: "The training I received from two older overseers in particular was very helpful. These brothers usually understood how certain matters should be handled. They always patiently listened to me and seriously considered my viewpoint -even if they did not agree with it. I learned a lot from observing the humble and respectful way they dealt with the brothers and sisters in the congregation. These elders impressed upon me the need to use the Bible skillfully when handling problems or when giving encouragement."

    Usually understood how certain matters should be handled

    Note that certain matters are handled differently from congregation to congregation despite the elder's manual and BOE letters. It depends on how the elders interpret this information.

    Listened to me and seriously consider my viewpoint--even if they did not agree with it--HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    humble and respectful way they dealt with the brothers (and sisters)

    How do the elders deal with each other at elders' meetings? An older brother finally stepped down after 50 years...he could not longer tolerate the yelling at the meetings. That is what I think shocks new elders, the degree to which elder bodies interpret the phrase "freeness of speech" being able to say anything about each other without proof, the verbal abuse.

    Need to use the Bible

    I know of several new elders, eager to be of help, researched scripturally several issues to be discussed at the elders' meeting.

    BrotherChairman: Brother NewElder, what do you have to add?

    New Elder (with about 3 handwritten pages and his Bible): I thought we might discuss these scriptures.

    Brother Forceful: Oh, we don't discuss the Bible; it's all here in the Flock book and the BOE letters, we don't need that.

    BrotherPO sits there silently, then: "Well, now that that is settled...."

    Trained by God's Word

    Q13) (a) What does a brother need in order to be an effective shepherd? (b) Why did Jesus say: "What I teach is not mine"?

    13) Indeed, God's Word, the Bible, contains the laws, principles, and examples a shepherd needs in order to become "fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16, 17) A brother may have a good secular education, but it is his knowledge of the Scriptures and how he applies it that help make him an effective shepherd. Consider Jesus' example. He was the most knowledgeable, the most discerning, and the wisest spiritual shepherd ever to walk the earth; yet, even he did not rely on his own wisdom when teaching Jehovah's sheep. He said: "What I teach is not mine, but belongs to him that sent me." Why did Jesus give credit to his heavenly Father? He explained: "He that speaks of his own originality is seeking his own glory." John 7: 16,18.

    Indeed, God's Word, the Bible, contains...a shepherd needs

    TRANSLATION: The Flock book contains everything a shepherd needs

    good secular education...but it is his knowledge of the Scriptures

    TRANSLATION: All you have to do is be able to read and write and do what the WTS says

    Jesus...did not rely on his own wisdom

    But then he did not take out the Flock book and the BOE letters to teach...could they be compared to the Talmud?????????

    Blurb on page 25: Christian elders train younger men in the congregation

    Q14) How do shepherds avoid seeking their own glory?

    14) Loyal shepherds avoid seeking their own glory. They base their counsel and encouragement, not on their own wisdom, but on God's Word. They appreciate that a shepherd's assignment is to help the sheep gain "the mind of Christ," not the mind of the elders. (1 Corinthians 2:14-16) For example, what if an elder who was helping a couple deal with marital difficulties based his counsel on his own experience rather than on Bible principles and information published by "the faithful and discreet slave"? (Matthew 24:45) His advice might be overly influenced by local customs and restricted by his limited knowledge. Granted, some customs are not bad in themselves, and the elder may have experience in life. But the sheep benefit most when shepherds encourage them to listen to Jesus' voice and to the sayings of Jehovah rather than to men's thoughts or to
    the dictates of local custom.-Psalm 12:6; Proverbs 3:5,6.

    Loyal shepherds avoid seeking their own glory.

    Yes, loyal shepherds seek the glory of the WTS, relying not on their own wisdom but every word coming forth from the mouth of the WTS.

    Gain the mind of Christ as interpreted by the WTS.

    *** w81 2/15 p. 19 Do We Need Help to Understand the Bible? ***

    We all need help to understand the Bible, and we cannot find the Scriptural guidance we need outside the "faithful and discreet slave" organization.

    *** w02 12/1 p. 17 par. 17 Enjoy Personal Study of God's Word ***

    Then Philip, directed by holy spirit, helped the eunuch to understand the prophecy of Isaiah. (Acts 8:27-35) What does this illustrate? That our private reading of the Bible is not enough. Jehovah, by his spirit, uses the faithful and discreet slave class to help us to understand his Word at the right time.

    elder...based his counsel on his own experience rather than on Bible principles and information published by "the faithful and discreet slave"...overly influenced by local customs.

    Do you find this particularly helpful identifying exactly what to avoid? Is this purposely ambiguous? What are they not saying?

    Listen to Jesus' voice...rather than to men's thoughts

    And what is the "information published by 'the faithful and discreet slave'" but "men's thoughts"?

    Trained by "the Faithful and Discreet Slave"

    Q15) What commission did Jesus give to "the faithful and discreet slave," and what is one reason for the success of the slave class?

    15) Shepherds such as the apostles Peter, John, and Paul were all members of the group Jesus described as "the faithful and discreet slave." This slave class is composed of Jesus' spirit-anointed brothers on earth, whose hope is to rule with Christ in heaven. (Revelation 5:9, 10) During these last days of this system, the number of Christ's brothers left on earth has inevitably declined. However, the work Jesus commissioned them to accomplish-the preaching of the good news of the Kingdom before the end comes-is now more widely extended than ever. Even so, the slave class has been remarkably successful! Why? In part, because they have trained members of the "other sheep" to assist them in the preaching and teaching work. (John 10:16; Matthew 24:14; 25:40) Today, the bulk of the work is accomplished by this loyal group.

    Number of Christ's brothers left on earth has inevitably declined

    Is that true? What are the numbers for the last few years?

    1994 to 20058,617

    BTW did you know that the non-anointed rank and file are not considered "Christ's brothers." Where do they fit in the family vocabulary? Children of Christ and the Bride...meaning God is your grandfather, Jesus is your dad, and the 144,000 is your mom!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can even 6.5 million JWs reach all 6.5 billion people with their message of destruction of all non-JWs?

    Blurb on page 26: "The faithful and discreet slave" provides abundant training for elders

    Q16) How does the slave class train appointed men?

    16) How does the slave class provide this training? In the first century,
    representatives of the slave class were authorized to train and appoint
    overseers in the congregations, and they, in turn, trained the sheep. (1
    Corinthians 4:17) The same is true today. The Governing Body-the small group of anointed elders who represent the slave class-authorizes its representatives to train and appoint servants and elders in the tens of thousands of congregations worldwide. In addition, the Governing Body organizes schools to train Branch Committee members, traveling overseers, elders, and ministerial servants in how best to care for the sheep. Further direction is provided through letters, in articles published in The Watchtower, and by means of other publications, such as Organized to Do Jehovah's Will.* (Footnote: * Published by Jehovah's

    Representatives of the slave class authorized to train and appoint

    Governing Body--small group of anointed elders who represent the slave class (no scriptural proof provided here)

    Does the phrase "governing body" even occur in the Bible? Does the word "organization" or the word "trinity"? Woops, doesn't the WTS use that argument to prove that the trinity is not a scriptural teaching because the word does not appear in the Bible?

    *** w04 3/15 p. 19 par. 19 "Fully Accomplish Your Ministry" ***

    We may find that he still holds unscriptural views. For instance, he may believe in the Trinity. In chapter 3, the Knowledge book points out that the word "Trinity" does not appear in the Bible.

    Organized to Do Jehovah's Will.* (Footnote: * Published by Jehovah's Witnesses.) (The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is no longer referenced as the publisher of their publications)

    (even JWs do not have this publication on their CDs and this publication is given only to people who are about to be baptized as JWs)

    Further direction is provided through letters (which the rank and file never see) means of other publications...

    Where is the elder's manual mentioned??????????

    Q17) (a) How has Jesus shown his confidence in the slave class? (b) How can spiritual shepherds show that they have confidence in the slave class?

    17) Jesus had so much confidence in the slave class that he appointed it over "all his belongings"-that is, all his spiritual interests on the earth. (Matthew 24:47) Appointed shepherds prove that they too have confidence in the slave class by applying the directions they receive from its Governing Body. Yes, when shepherds train others, when they allow themselves to be trained by God's Word, and when they apply the training provided by the slave class, they promote unity among the flock. How grateful we are that Jehovah has trained men who deeply care for each member of the Christian congregation!

    Jesus...appointed it (slave class) over...all his spiritual interests on earth

    The WTS teaches that this happened in 1919. Evidently, those in the WTS before that date were not working with and under Christ's directions...

    Appointed shepherds PROVE that they too have confidence in the slave class WTS by APPLYING the directions they receive from its (why is this capitalized) Governing Body...

    Allow themsevles to be trained by God's Word (not that but rather) the training provided by the slave class (WTS who slave for no one not even Christ)...promote unity (or is that uniformity)

    Jehovah has trained men---Where's Jesus?

    each member--just like each person will receive a witness

    *** w00 1/15 p. 13 par. 17 "Keep on the Watch" ***

    Nevertheless, the Bible does not state that Jehovah will wait until every individual on earth has received a personal witness.

    How Would You Answer?

    - How do mature spiritual shepherds train others?
    - Why do shepherds not teach on the basis of their own thoughts?
    - How and why do shepherds show confidence in the slave class?

    Concluding Comments

    I was never sad that I could not be an elder. I had seen how it ground down the men in my family who had such responsibilities. I will be fair and say there were kind and giving men, few though they were, that helped me. Some did so despite the "advice and counsel" of other elders, they bucked the tide.

    The WTS is more concerned about the elders being their first line of making sure the rank and file adhere to WT doctrine and policy. They enforce this through fear and the looming threat of disfellowshipment of yourself or family members. The elders can also "mark" you as bad association officially but even unofficially. From comments in this article, even the elders are being threatened for not doing what the WTS says. I have seen that recently with the removal of long-time elders in several congregations by the CO. Not DF'd, they did not DA themselves, just removed. So the elders "watch" the rank and file, the CO's watch the elders, the DO's watch the COs, and the GB watches these men. And who watches the GB?

    So if you are an elder and struggling to do it Christ's way, don't give up doing things Christ's way, but remember you don't have to be an elder to do that. Those who are no longer elders, I hope you don't lose heart. And those who no longer are associated with the WTS, remember that it is love that matters, of yourself and those around you.

    Next week: Loyally Serving Christ the King

    Does loyalty to Christ equal loyalty to the WTS organization?

    Love, Blondie (graduation parties today....)

  • IW

    Hi Blondie,

    Thanks for the review!

    Let's examine the title of this article:

    Jehovah trains--not Jesus?

    his flock--not Jesus?

    Have you ever tried to find where and how often the WTS refers to the flock as belonging to Jesus?

    Where is Jesus in this article? Again, an OT scripture is used to put Jesus in the background.

    The emphasis on Jehovah fits in quite well with their passion for rules and law. Like some other fundamentalist faiths the JW hierarchy believes their followers should worship surrounded and protected by religious law. The OT is filled with laws and the GB revel in finding principles in those laws that can be enforced upon the rank and file as "rules." Jesus on the other hand provided very few laws and rules, too few for those men who love law above even the Christ himself.

    Thanks again for posting this review.


  • jgnat

    I barely know how to comment. My experience with the elders is that they have interfered with our marriage (badly). They're like nasty in-laws times ten.

  • freedomlover

    *So the elders "watch" the rank and file, the CO's watch the elders, the DO's watch the COs, and the GB watches these men. And who watches the GB?*

    I love this point blondie. I hope some lurkers think about this statement after they leave this website.....

    kudos to you again. another week of appreciated work.

  • daniel-p

    "What did they talk about? Were they trained to help the sheep or were they entertained with the gossip of the congregation over donuts and coffee while the someone else took out the book study group."

    Lol. This is perfect, blondie. This one time when I was a young MS, I was out to lunch with another older MS and elder. They went on and on about things as if I wasn't there. I tried to keep a straight face but I nearly lost it when Bro. Elder brought up the time he and his wife seperated and how she went to live with a good friend of hers and after awhile she came back and Bro. Elder had to interogate her and see if she succumbed to any lesbianism. Then he went on and on about how that woman molested kids in the halls. I just kept eating my sandwich.

  • minimus

    The Society does not have QUALITY men in these positions. The good ones have all left. They must realize that many elders are not lawyers and constantly screw up. Actually many are not too swift to begin with. They need trained people to recruit. But who wants to follow all their rules and regulations while realizing that even if you're "perfect" your wife or kids won't be?

  • garybuss

    Another special example of how the Watchtower magazine is now being written TO the Witness people, not FOR them as it was in the past. It's proof of the ongoing separation of the Watch Tower Society and the Jehovah's Witnesses. They have acknowledged they are two separate ententes.

    I guess with six, going on seven million employees, their focus would need to be on retention and management of assets rather than recruiting new workers.

    The Watchtowers used to contain religious articles. Now they contain commercials for corporate sponsored jobs. It's like now the only thing the Society has to write about is itself. They've proven beyond any imaginable doubt that they don't know one thing about the Bible or predicting the future.

  • moomanchu

    Reminds me of Hogans Heroes and the Nazi regime.

    the gestapo is coming the ss the brown shirts ect.....

  • Blueblades

    A circuit overseer made a comment to me," It seems like we are scraping the bottom of the barrell". He was talking about not having qualified men to serve in the congregation. So, they were appointing whoever they could get to do the work that others refused to do.


  • TooOpinionated

    This is great! Thanks, Blondie. I just printed this out (all 15 pages). I'm showing this to someone tomorrow who is on the fringes.

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