by Mary 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary

    Does anyone here know anything about Marketing a product?

    I'll give you a bit of background: I make an incredibly good (if I do say so myself), garlic casear dressing and have tried it out on family, friends and co-workers. Several people, including my boss, have said it is the best caesar dressing they've ever tried and that I should seriously consider selling it to grocery stores. I know it is extremely difficult to get into that, but would love the opportunity to. Problem is: I have no experience at all in marketing a product.

    I considered trying it out on eBay, but one problem is that I don't use any preservatives in it, and have no idea how long it'll last for. Plus, it has to be refrigerated and it might spoil during shipping (it contains raw eggs). I'm looking at using pasteurized eggs in this and think it might be wiser to try and narrow the market right now to more upscale, smaller grocery stores.

    Does anyone here know anything about marketing or where I could turn to for help?

    thanks so much for any input.


  • Scully

    Why not approach a smaller community based market and ask if you can promote your product in their store? You'd need to negotiate how much you want to make from each bottle of dressing, and account for the store's cut. Typically, upscale places charge around $4/bottle of dressing.

    Or maybe you could sell your recipe and get royalties from sales of the product?

  • Jim_TX

    Not much experience 'marketing' a product (although I sell software that I've written via the Internet).
    I think that you might consider approaching a Whole Foods, or other 'natural food' store, and see if they would allow you to sell your product through them.
    There is a local chain here in San Antonio (Sun Harvest) that tends to have a few products that look like there are small owners involved.
    Since you are making it at home (or wherever), and are most likely using all 'natural' ingredients... you might even be able to claim it as a 'natural' product (I.E. no preservatives). (??)
    Anyway... Good Luck.

    Jim TX

  • rekless

    search selling food products as well as food marketing I down loaded an article about marketing and selling, bevcause I have a killer salsa so I've been told as with you I use only fresh veggies no cooking or processing. Why don't you make a small batch and place it in the refrig and date it, then check it out daily until it goes bad, then you willhave a storage date. On your label you will have to state raw process refigirate after opening. Good luck Dan

  • OpenFireGlass
    Why not approach a smaller community based market

    there is definatly more hoops(health inspections) to jump through to market food, but yeah, if it doesn't contain preservatives, try out Co-Op's... watch out, Paul Newman...

  • Elsewhere

    I make an incredibly good (if I do say so myself), garlic casear dressing and have tried it out on family, friends and co-workers.
    So how'd they taste?

  • Robdar

    If your state is anything like Missouri, the first thing you will have to do is get a health license. In Mo you are not allowed to sell anything that has been cooked up in your kitchen. See if you can use a church kitchen or some place that has a health license.

    After you take care of the health issues, try a local grocery. You may want to arrange a tasting for the owner or manager. If they love it and have proof that it is safe, you may have yourself a market.

    Good luck to you.


  • Cabin in the woods
    Cabin in the woods

    Ok, as far as processing you can get places such a canneries to do that for you at a reasonable price. Cheaper and less hoop jumping! THese jars will be 'sealed ' and thus make a longer journey safely.

    Hope that this iwll help with another option to look into.


  • KW13

    well, whatever happens mary good luck

  • OpenFireGlass

    don't forget you need a catchy name for you dressing... something like, "Mary's Homemade Nutsack Sauce" ...

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