Guantanamo Bay Suicides - a PR Move

by eyeslice 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    We are not talking about innocent children here.....that has been discussed on another thread.

    No but we are talking about innocent people. They are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, right? I personally don't think you know what you are discussing....The treatment of the Gitmo prisoners is much better than it was in the begining. However I DO believe they should be sent back home and let the local government process them. I said that once in another post on this thread. So, you do think that they are being detained illegally? It is so hard to talk logic to a drunk...They can't read straight. I beg your pardon? You are telling us that you are drunk?
  • SixofNine

    RachelHall, you're lying when you say "I KNOW a few Cubans LIVING in Cuba who wish they were as good-off as the prisoners in Gitmo".

    You are not only a liar, but you are a stupid liar. And you think I need booze to confront your transparent lies?

  • eyeslice

    RachelHall - if one innocent person is being deprived of his liberty, the love of his family and his life in Guantanamo, then Guantanamo is an injustice. You cannot justify its existence on the basis that there may/may not be some pretty evil people held there.

  • barry

    Today Abu Baka Bashia was released from jail in Indonesia after only 2years of detension. He is the spiritual leader of the bombers who attacked the people in Bali where in excess of 200 were killed including 70 Australians.

    Here in Australia I have a muslim friend who has lived here for 35 years and he beleives that ultimately all non muslims should be made to submit to god or be executed.

    There is an Australian in guantanamo bay who has been held there for 4 years David Hicks and will be charged because he was an illegal combatant in Afganistan. I understand most of those in detension there are classified as illegal combatants.

    So the sort of things I am hearing here is

    1 The prisoners should have legal representation , which they will have in due course.

    2 They are inocent until proven guilty. This is a principle of English common law but does not apply to these prisoners in guantanamo bay because they are outside the us. In fact this principle doesnt apply in many other countries of the world including many developed european countries.

    Should they be treated as POWs and be under the geneva convention? I dont so the reasons being that the Genevia convention is agreements between countries whereas in this instance we are dealing with illegal combatants. In a war countries make agreements about treatement of prisnoers and when hostilities end prisoners are returned to their respective countries.The situation we have with the war on terror is if these illegals are released the hostility by them does not necessarily end in fact some have returned to the battlefield.

    We are not dealing with POWs we are dealing with sub human filth and only have themselves to blame for the situation they find themselves in.

  • Robdar

    We are not dealing with POWs we are dealing with sub human filth and only have themselves to blame for the situation they find themselves in.

    G'day Barry. If this is the case then charge them with a crime, send them to trial and, if found guilty, execute them. Don't just throw them in there and call them guilty. Prove it.

  • Jourles

    Check out the trailers --> This is about those three young men from Britain -

    The footage of Bush and Co. shows they're pretty sure of themselves about who is imprisoned in Gitmo.

  • RachelHall

    Where are those three men today? Jourles?

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    There is an Australian in guantanamo bay who has been held there for 4 years David Hicks and will be charged because he was an illegal combatant in Afganistan. I understand most of those in detension there are classified as illegal combatants

    Who fucking decides who the illegal combatants are??Fucking America is fighting an illegal war in Iraq..whats the differance...

  • RachelHall

    Fleaman uk, Drunk again?......Perhaps you need to join the "Muslim Brotherhood" and become ONE with the "Secret apparatus" There will no more booze for you! LOL

    Recently, the German public was shocked to hear what is preached inside Saudi-funded mosques and schools. In the fall of 2003, a hidden camera-equipped journalist from Germany's ARD television infiltrated the Saudi-built King Fahd Academy in Bonn and taped what it taught to young Muslim children. One teacher called for jihad against the infidels.[68] While the images elicited a rebuke from German politicians, the rather sterile debate about Saudi influence on German Muslims has not effected tangible change. Saudi officials and Saudi-run nongovernmental organizations continue to groom Muslim Brotherhood organizations.

    First Germany, Then Europe

    While the Muslim Brotherhood and their Saudi financiers have worked to cement Islamist influence over Germany's Muslim community, they have not limited their infiltration to Germany. Thanks to generous foreign funding, meticulous organization, and the naïveté of European elites, Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations have gained prominent positions throughout Europe. In France, the extremist Union des Organisations Islamiques de France (Union of Islamic Organizations of France) has become the predominant organization in the government's Islamic Council.[69] In Italy, the extremist Unione delle Comunita' ed Organizzazioni Islamiche in Italia (Union of the Islamic Communities and Organizations in Italy) is the government's prime partner in dialogue regarding Italian Islamic issues.[70]

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk


    I wish i was drunk..then your stoopid neo con ramblings may make sense.As it is im totally sober..but your still a twat.

    Kindly fuck off.

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