I told you today would be a day to remember did I not? Yes, you did. I know, weve withheld the day and hour from you but as I mentioned, it is only for those in the extreme reaches in authority to know the exact hour.
I lay back on my seat in my vehicle, as I have many times before, and a presence appears before me like before, but this time is different. I feel my mind and body being filled with strength and vigor unlike before. My lungs are filled with pure and refreshing oxygen, my chest begins to inhale and exhale moved by a force not of my own origin. I feel so much strength that I feel I can take on the world.
This is what it is like to be one of us but very minimal in strength He says. Since you are not as strong, being a human, it is as much as you can bear for the time being. You said you wanted to meet him in his true person.
Meet the one known as the wicked one.......
This time was not the same as many times before, wicked and unbearably angry. A huge and strong force manly in his nature is brought before me. I know a spirit entity is invisible to the human naked eye, and is neither male nor female like a human. The question I have wondered is brought before me in reply. What is it that caused you to drift as I have often wondered?
In reply he says calmly. The love of the human female companion caused me to wonder. Not the physical aspect, just the heartfelt intensity of the yearning and desire to be wanted. It is not the same emotion as in the far reaches.
I myself in my human experience have never felt that emotion in true life, only in my testing. I wondered to myself and asked Him that loves me. Is this emotion not fictitious? You see, I know from my readings that a wife is made to cling to her husband. Not out of hatred for the weaker vessel, but in order to cause the male to guard over them. This is put forth with intent out of pure love from Him that loves us, for those that are weaker in strength.
The answer was correct, as I was later told in agreement by Him that loves me. You see, he drifted out of his rightful place, thinking that he knew the intent of the Father. He was not fully aware of My intent in creation. He was fooled by an emotion that must be removed in due season. Allow us to place ourselves into you in order to experience power not of your own.
As I felt the forces enter into my mind and body, he is trying to fool me into believing that I am he, I thought. I cross my thoughts over to Him that loves me. This is not possible as I do not share his same wickedness. Yes I know. He that loves me grins with heartfelt love in agreement. I continue to experience many more visions as they drift away in strength.
Later that night.......This fruit is one of my favorites I say. Yes I know He says. Would You like to taste it? I asked. No thank you He says, I already know what it tastes like from the time that I created its fruitage.
Well then, if you know what everything already tastes like, you must know what everyone feels in emotion also. This might prove to be boring in time to some would it not ? I asked. What is it that makes you truly happy?
I Need You to Love me.......This is what brings Me happiness. If you were Me, and had the strength and ability to create life, what would you do?
I ponder.......I guess I would do the same, and share my love also, I replyed. This I answer out of compassion and heartfelt emotion, as I am able to sense the emotions of the Father.
Please write, He commands me out of mutual respect; so that all can know that I Am here.......
Estephan Leuese