Nice to see the latest incarnation of brownboy, et al. I've been wondering where you've been.
"From the One That Loves Us" by: Estephan Leuese
by forgiveness 23 Replies latest jw friends
spew forth thine prophetic
It was just placed before you, if you take the time to read it.
This is a True account of what occurred just last night. An account of myself in conversation with the Almighty Jah and satan.......whom has been corrected by Jah and Jesus Christ, Amen.......
"Later that night.......This fruit is one of my favorites I say. Yes I know He says. Would You like to taste it? I asked. No thank you He says, I already know what it tastes like from the time that I created its fruitage."
By the way,
During the early existence of man upon the earth spirit entities forsook their proper dwelling place and had intercourse with women upon the earth unlawfully. This created offspring of spirits mixed with humans. This gives explanation to the findings of humans dating back many years, as spirit entities are millions upon millions of year old. Their DNA remnants would be left behind within the bones or rotted flesh.......
Didn't this guy predict the world was ending last year?
I don't think so. It was the arrival of Jesus Christ in the heavens, which did occur.
Nice to see the latest incarnation of brownboy, et al. I've been wondering where you've been.
Thank you (I believe). I've been fulfilling my earthly duties, finely scripted in perfection, and effecutated by the Almighty God.
This created offspring of spirits mixed with humans.
I have photographic proof of their existence!!!!
This created offspring of spirits mixed with humans. I have photographic proof of their existence!!!!
You are quick with the photos....... -
Nice to see you brownboy. Seems like you are doing as fine as you can.
Oh, and btw:
This gives explanation to the findings of humans dating back many years, as spirit entities are millions upon millions of year old. Their DNA remnants would be left behind within the bones or rotted flesh....
You might make a few bucks selling this one to fundamentalist Bible apologists, it is very clever.
Nice to see you brownboy. Seems like you are doing as fine as you can.
Oh, and btw:
This gives explanation to the findings of humans dating back many years, as spirit entities are millions upon millions of year old. Their DNA remnants would be left behind within the bones or rotted flesh....
You might make a few bucks selling this one to fundamentalist Bible apologists, it is very clever.
Not clever but true, as it was revealed to me by The Almighty God. It makes perfect sense would you not agree?