by badboy 25 Replies latest jw friends
Anyone who has the balls to be an "elder" is a busybody. Period!
Well, it depends what you mean. I can think of a few "bustbody" elders that could take you down a peg or 2 with a look. One elder in my old hall was as rigid as they come. You couldnt break wind without him saying something about being spiritually mature.
You had to watch every P and Q when in his presence. His prayers at the end of the bore meeting lasted about 4 minutes and his talks were about as riveting as watching tortoises race across a field. -
By definition, a busybody is someone who gets involved in the business of others where they have no business being. Elders think the all the business of the congregation members is the God-given task to get involved in.
They misapply the following scripture to cases where they pry into or snoop into matters that are a personal choice.
(Proverbs 27:23) . . .You ought to know positively the appearance of your flock. . . .
Of course, we know that the WTS believes that only women can be busybodies.
w99 12/1 p. 29 Do Not Let Your Strength Become Your Weakness ***Like capable elders, spiritually-minded women are also a fine asset to Jehovah’s organization. Generally, women are gifted with an interest in other people—a quality that Jehovah values and encourages. Keep "an eye, not in personal interest upon just your own matters, but also in personal interest upon those of the others," wrote the apostle Paul. (Philippians 2:4) Yet, this "personal interest" has its limits, for no Christian would want to be "a busybody in other people’s matters"; nor should one be a gossiper.—1 Peter 4:15; 1 Timothy 5:13.
w89 5/15 p. 20 par. 18 Showing Love and Respect as a Wife ***And what a fine example most elders’ wives set in support of their husbands! Often, the husband has to be away attending to congregational matters, and maybe her curiosity is aroused. Loyally, however, a godly wife does not pry into congregation affairs like a busybody.—1 Peter 4:15.
Elders should not pry into minor matters per the WTS: what is a "minor matter," hem length, beard or no beard, type of vehicle driven...
w75 6/15 p. 371 par. 9 Keep Your Senses in All Things ***In addition to the aforementioned responsibilities of elders, there are times when they must try to readjust those of their Christian brothers who err and come into sin. Here, again, they must strive to ‘keep their senses’ and take a balanced approach. It is not their responsibility, for instance, to take it upon themselves to try to live the lives of others. Nor should they make an issue out of a minor matter or impose some personal view or standard on others. Rather, Peter counseled: "Let none of you suffer . . . as a busybody in other people’s matters." (1 Pet. 4:15)
And busybodying can be synonymous with socializing too much.
w61 5/15 p. 301 par. 18 Rejoicing in New World Associations ***Our "personal interest" in our fellow Christians does not mean trespassing on their private and family affairs, thus becoming a "busybody in other people’s matters." Certainly we can enjoy the social company of our brothers as we have opportunity, and such times can be most enjoyable and contribute much to our happiness. (See The Watchtower of February 15, 1960, pages 115, 116.) But to encroach on the private affairs of another, or even to spend overmuch time in social visiting, can quickly detract from, or even spoil altogether, the joys of spiritual fellowship. (1 Pet. 4:15; Prov. 25:17)
Elders will even lie to the flock to get information on others. I have been told that some use "police" tactics telling one publisher than another publisher has ratted on them. Or that if they rat out others that their punishment will be lighter. Sounds like Law and Order on TV.
El Kabong
Is the Pope Catholic?
You're kidding, right?
All of it or part of it, jgnat?
The parts not from the publications are straight from the elders' mouth to me.
Of course, they probably shouldn't have told me, but then they are busybodies.
Oh, Blondie, I'm not doubting your quotes. I'm challenging the original question.
I was taught if you have an offence against a brother, first go and speak to him alone, so that the two of you have a chance to work it out. I gave that same advice to my husband. The INSTANT he came up against a Ministerial Servant, several elders were called over to listen in on my hubby's offence. He was grilled for details. WHO had let on that they had been talking about him behind his back?
The whole incident was instantly blown in to an inquisition. The congregation member AND my husband left over it.
What was the original offence? Gossip.
The only busybodies are in groups like these. the people here are the busy bodies as you are into everyone's business.