Some of the elders were acting immaturely in the sense that they were competing for influence and trying to promote their own relatives as ministerial servants or elders.
One of them got his son in law in as an elder though he was clearly not mature enough for the post. There were much better congo members to choose from.
Was there immature behaviour in your KH?
by badboy 50 Replies latest jw friends
An elder who was only 25 at the time married with no kids,( I think someone is not mature enough at 25 to be in a position to counsel people). used to take his wife along on most of his sheparding calls and when one Dub had problems at home or with other personal issues. She used to give her opinions at these counsel sessions, and then she would gossip to others later..Eventually they ended up moving to another province as other Dubs started to complain about her.They wouldn't remove the elder from his postion as there weren't enough men able to be elders and they needed him regardless of her behaviour.
I'd make it a point to exhale heavily when I spoke to them, so they'd have to suffer through my garlic breath.
Once it was even mentioned in a local needs™ part, but it didn't stop me from doing it regularly.
a local needs, r u serious? what was their defense for that? LMFAO!!!!!
a local needs, r u serious? what was their defense for that?
Yeah, it was a talk asking people to avoid eating strong smelling foods before meetings, because it can "detract from the spiritual program Jehovah has prepared". (Trust me, the souvlaki was much better than anything the watchtower ever prepared) They even suggested that we avoid heavy meals altogether on meeting nights. I forgot to mention that I was taken down to the library and counselled about this as well. That's the first time I blew a fuse at the elders, and firmly resolved to do it more often.
What I am saying...for all his (Raymond Franz) ranting and raving he did not say much to convince me that the WTS is such a bad and evil place.
he is just a bitter, twisted old man.
Kero, I still am not convinced that you’ve read his book. I have read his book. I also met
RF and spent 3 days with him, his wife and several other ex-JWs who wanted to fellowship and organize. This was in Guntersville,(Sorry for the highjack)
rest of the post:
(Try again!)
I give up - there must be some reason this won't post.
I knew an elder infact he was annointed. His lovely (Ii use that term very loosely) would actually listen in on the other phone line when a person would call to talk to the elder about their problems. you could hear her breathing. It was so rude.