I was at a district assembly and they had these security guards with foot long flash lights directing the parking and I thought I'd be retirement age before they ever got us parked. It was worse trying to leave.
Gary, I believe I was at the same convention.
I was in a multi-story parking lot where traffic was at a crawl from the top floor all the way down the remaining 10 floors. The cause. A young parking attendant was stopping each and every car at the bottom ramp about 50 feet from the main gate, "helpfully giving instructions" for drivers to take the left exit, not the right exit. He got a blistering explosion of profanity from at least one very angry driver that day.
If you ever wondered what working was like in Communist Russia, just take a look at how parking, cleaning, (and back in the day, food prep) is done at conventions. Everyone has a job, whether necessary or not, and there are too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Instead of many workers keeping things running smoothly, you have too many managers (Elders and MS) giving often contradictory orders to the proles.
It killed my willing spirit years ago, especially after I started working in the "real world" and saw how things can really work in a motivated work organization.