You want convention stories? I'll give ya convention stories! This is just another drugery of my childhood as a JW. Each summer my ELDER father worked in expiditing at the conventions - all three of them in our district. Guess how many I attended year after f***ing year? That's right had one little 4 day convention I had twelve days of my summer in a dress in a civic center eating burritos and chicken sandwiches, a pudding or fruit bag and oh yes, orange juice and cheese danish for breakfast.
Fast forward to being 19 with a 5 month old baby. Getting up at 3am to get to the convention site at 6, two and a half hour drive and my ever zealous MS husband was helping some department. So I get there and I have the baby and I sit in a seat. The place is empty except for the brothers setting up the sound. An elder walks up to me and tells me to get up and stand until the doors open - in two hours because we can't save seats and that means I can't sit in any of the 5000 empty seats because it wouldn't be fair. I didn't move. I yelled at him. I said, You wanna talk about fair? I got up at 3 am and breastfed and then drove an two and a half hours to be here at 6am so my husband could help you. Now you want me to stand and hold my infant for two hours because I can't sit in a seat? Who is it not fair to? The ones who got to sleep in who will show up at 9:00? He actually picked up my diaper bag and set it in the cooridors. I was so angry I was shaking. I made such a bitching loud mouth fuss that other elders met with him and he had to come and apologize to me.
I have dozens of convention stories just ask me!
Renee (of the never wasting another summer weekend over dressed in a civic center class)