by Terry 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • acsot
    Most charity has a religious tie-in because most religious groups believe charity is good. Jehovah's Witnesses do not! Even Meals on Wheels can get you into trouble if it is discovered you are helping out by volunteering your time feeding the old and infirm. Why? YOU ARE STEALING TIME FROM THE DOOR TO DOOR PREACHING.

    This is a tightly wound spring. As a publisher you don't want it to snap down on your neck.

    There are many JW's who have tried unsuccessfully to get their outside charity and volunteer work past the elders.

    You'd be hard-pressed to find any success.

    I was a born-in JW, special and regular pioneer, served where the need was great, learned a foreign language, yada yada yada, you know, the most zealous of j-dubs, a true believer.

    And yet, I participated in and donated to various charities throughout my life as a JW, and I know of others who have volunteered in hospitals, etc., all with the knowledge of the elders. And whether or not the elders "approved", there wasn't a damn thing they could do about it.

  • mcsemike

    Excellent parody, Terry. One of the least understood treacheries of the WT is their ability to lie to the public AND to the JW's with a straight face. Sometimes I think they actually believe it themselves. I can't recommend the book "1984" enough. I almost think Orwell was a JW when I read it. It is so accurate. I'm looking forward to more of your posts. They are gold. Thank you.

  • parakeet

    ***No one has ever been threatened with DFing for being "inactive" in field service.***
    No Apologies,
    You are technically correct; however, I can tell you from first-hand experience that even if you are not officially DFed for being inactive, you will be the recipient of de facto shunning by most hardcore JWs.

  • Anitar

    Terry, thank you so much, you are a delicious literary conisseur. It's like I'm reading a public service announcement. Your wickidly acidic tongue is like rancid asparagus to your enemies. You have carved up the Watchtower roast beast! Oh, the Watchtower Roast Beast is a feast I can't stand in the least!

    Oh no, I'm speaking in RHYMES!! Like a chilled bucket of Haggan-Daaz, your are semi-seet and a little nuts.

    Ok I'll stop with the food jokes. Seriously, fantastic post. Just one thing though. Comparing the watchtower leaders to the Pope is a little inappropriate. If a Catholic doesn't follow the rules (belief in trinity, birth control, pre-maratial sex, infallibility of Pope etc), that is their choice. They don't get excommunicated for doing so. Unlike witnesses, they are not rank and file drones. I don't mean to rant, but I just wanted to make that distinction. Anyway, I LOVE YOUR ARTICLE!!



  • greendawn

    Another great essay Terry exposing the real nature of the WTS it's a good reply for those apologists who say what has the FDS ever done that is wrong? They are bare faced liars whose obvious objective is to deceive and exploit their hapless followers.

    They present themselves as leaders that genuinely love the flock but in fact their desire is to sacrifice them for their own selfish interests. Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz etc they ensnare people through the deceptions that they weaved.

    As mentioned above the JWs do not expel those who do not preach but they certainly mark them as weak and marginalise them. It's all part of the policy to keep the pressure on the R&F to go out and sell publications and make new slaves. If you don't spread the JW propaganda you become a second or third rate dub.

  • alek uk
    alek uk

    could not put it better, like the pig returning to its own filth.

  • Terry
    No accountability! No responsibility! No "we're sorry for your loss that came about as a result of trusting the Faithful and Discreet Slaveā„¢"! Oh, no.... you are responsible for the outcomes of choices that have been coerced upon you by the black and white thinking of the leaders, who tell you that one way leads to God's Approvalā„¢ and the other way leads to being in league with the Devil himself.

    Well said, Scully, well said indeed!

  • Terry
    Excellent parody, Terry. One of the least understood treacheries of the WT is their ability to lie to the public AND to the JW's with a straight face. Sometimes I think they actually believe it themselves. I can't recommend the book "1984" enough. I almost think Orwell was a JW when I read it. It is so accurate. I'm looking forward to more of your posts. They are gold. Thank you.

    My son and I are working on a movie. It is a scathing parody of JW's with animation, special effects and such. I've been wanting to use humor for a long time to get the messege across to those who won't sit still for any other venue.

    If I can get just one trapped JW to open their mind and look objectively at the religion of lies I'll sleep soundly at night.

  • Terry
    Comparing the watchtower leaders to the Pope is a little inappropriate. If a Catholic doesn't follow the rules (belief in trinity, birth control, pre-maratial sex, infallibility of Pope etc), that is their choice. They don't get excommunicated for doing so. Unlike witnesses, they are not rank and file drones. I don't mean to rant, but I just wanted to make that distinction

    It does boggle the mind to think the rank and file Catholic has more freedom of thought and expression than a JW, doesn't it?!!

    When I was writing that my mind was on the Magesterium aspect of Jehovah-dumb. The Pope can pronounce policies of Faith and Morals and be considered inerrant. This is the FDS role for the Watchtower wolfpack as well.

    But, you are wise and sharp to see the difference! There is no Jehovah mold growing on your cheddar!!

  • Terry
    As mentioned above the JWs do not expel those who do not preach but they certainly mark them as weak and marginalise them.

    Technically correct--but, not; I think, psychologically so in the long run. I'll tell you why.

    Humans at their core operate off of ego. Self-respect comes either from their own confidence in the competency they possess in looking out for themselves--or....

    the ego becomes attached to a parasite group which tells them when they have self-worth by ascribing merit based on servitude.

    A person who is marked and who is told they are spiritually weak has their GROUP EGO eroded, damaged and assaulted. If the person had an individualist nature they would not be a part of groupthink in the first place. Consequently something happens to the marked person who is spiritually sick:

    1.They stiffen to counsel and talk back defending themselves and are seen as a danger

    2.They cave in and destroy whatever vestige of self-awareness had given them the strength to be seen as sick in the first place (i.e. charity work on their own.)

    Disfellowshipping almost always follows the pattern of Elder accusations of weakness when the JW is doing nothing wrong, yet, is singled out for marking.

    It is tough for a person (who still has a healthy rational mind functioning) for them to listen to themselves be described as unworthy of congregation privileges and needing to be watched because they are "sick" for doing a rational act of kindness!

    So, my opinion is that it is "possible" to go your own way in a Kingdom Hall within a very narrow parameter, but; the price your ego will pay in the long run isn't worth the abuse.

    Thanks for sharing that view with me.

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