Wanted: new parents and siblings

by sass_my_frass 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • oldflame

    I had to laugh but I can feel your pain because I too wish for the same and have been for years. But guess what ? I'm stuck with the ones I got so I just keep to myself in family matters and don't have anything to do with them.

  • Carmel

    Hmm....well lets see.. Guess I could qualify as father figure. Already have 32 yr.old daughter, but then always room for one more. PLUS, always wanted to go back "down unda" maybe look up unca bruise and go kayackin! Victoria sounds like a good place come January for a visit..to littlest daughter.. Okay, it's a deal! When will the adoption ceremonies be??

    camel of the "big daddy" class

    Uncle,, who's your daddy?

  • jeanniebeanz

    You got some great replies on this Sass. Did any of us make it through the interview process?


  • sass_my_frass

    I couldn't reply for a while because I was so touched by the responses that I was all warm and mooshy and couldn't find the words! I love you guys, it's just so fantastic to have met you all. I'm so glad that there's this place that we can meet and be available for each other.

    Thanks so much!

  • loosie

    Well I could be an older sister but I can't be the following.....

    The oldest sister would be a judgmental prima donna with the power to cast a shadow over the egos of women two city blocks from her person

    Tha's just isn't me.

  • sass_my_frass

    Woohoo, looks like I'll be visiting the states!

  • Virgochik

    Will you still love us, with our Yankee accents and all, lol?

  • AuldSoul

    I'm 33, and male, so I couldn't apply. Unless you want me in drag. Which would be awkward. My calves are a dead giveaway, I have a cleft in my chin, and a rather prominent Adam's apple.

    I could do the jocular comedian, but you'd have to settle for slightly older. And unfortunately you can't be an aunt to my kids as I don't have any...except foster children, so you could be a foster aunt.

    Ah, heck...I'm tossing in my hat and letting you decide.

  • damselfly

    I'm all warm and fuzzy inside Thanks! ;-)

  • orbison11

    oh sass

    i am in your sister country, canada,,,,i am far away, but with the net, etc,,we can get close

    i can be your sister or mother,,,i dont know your age:)

    i so desire for family too,,,,,,i am all alone in this parade, like you

    let me know, sass,,,,


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