Ok, sunnygal inspired this one.
Today I wondered what would happen if I called an old dub friend. He's an elder. I met him in Jr. High as he was in my metalshop class and I mentioned I was a witness. He said he was too! Anyway, he performed the marriage of my daughter many years later to make a long story short......we were close.
I wondered if I called him...what he would say. I thought of just letting him know I think of him alot (not in a gay way either ) and the good times we had. We spent our young dub years together and he aided me back to the hall as my dad prevented us from going for many years....( actually I snuck to the hall and his mom gave me rides)
Well, I wonder if he'd talk a bit? I think he would. I also think a couple other buddies might if I called. I'm thinking of giving it a go. I might get let down. I might get a " I just wish you'd come back to Jehovah/organisation" speech. I doubt they would hang up....I know they wouldn't.
Gumby....who knows this has been covered prolly like 50 times at least