Society goes nuts--yet another "special" campaign for September!

by sir82 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    It's the managers trying to devise ways to motivate their staff that's losing interest in the work.

    They are themselves a false religion but they are smart enough to accuse everyone else of that so as to appear that they are standing out from the rest as the true religion. But from their behaviour we know they are just the same as everyone else though they try to dress up differently.

  • BizzyBee
    I remember years back they likened the use of the special Kingdom tracts to the Israelites marching around Jericho's walls (7Xs ?) and blowing their horns. Last day walls came tumbling down.......

    Anyone else remember that or did I have a vision?


    I, too, remember that particular load of old cod's wallop. (But that doesn't mean you didn't have a vision!) As I recall, it was the seven trumpet blasts that brought the walls down and it was 7 district conventions in Cleveland in the 30's. Such BS, I was embarrassed when we studied this in the Babylon book. One of our CD-Scholars on here could clarify the details.

  • proandcon

    my take...

    JW's aren't getting persecuted they want to poke enough people and organizations in the eye to rouse them to say *pi** off ...or somethiong like that

    this way the scriptures can be fulfilled about their being persecuted like Christ and they can then tell everyone in the WT mag of Jan 2007 that they must be the true religion because they alone get persecuted.

    who writes this stuff???...must be slow in Brooklyn...Freddie would've been more creative...


  • juni

    Thanks BusyBee !

    That's probably where I'm remembering it from - "Babylon" book. But I am pretty sure that they applied this tract work also to that Jericho marching and blowing horns thing. You know - the typical and antitypical. Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


  • Rabbit
    False Religion's End is Near

    Maybe...the GB's gonna sell all their Real Estate holdings and enjoy their retirement on their private island they'll buy.

  • blondie

    The real reason the WTS is doing these "special" campaigns. To up the numbers.


    km 11/74 p. 1 par. 4 Others Need What We Have ***

    Interestingly, every month to date during which we have distributed Kingdom News, a new peak of publishers has been reached: 512,738 shared in field service in September 1973; 525,007 published in December of that year; and our present peak of 539,262 was reached last May. Likely, many more contacted in our witnessing activities will be sharing with us this month in field service. Wouldn’t it be grand to see another peak of publishers for November!

  • nelly136

    do jws have to pay for the tracts at the book counter or are they free?

    can't remember its been sooo long.

  • blondie

    Nothing is charged for the literature since 1990 to either the publisher or the "householder." There never was a charge for the tracts that I remember. I don't know if the congregation or the WTS eats/ate the cost.



    km 3/75 p. 3 Announcements ***


    News No. 20 will be distributed from May 2 through 11. These will be consigned to congregations free of charge at the rate of 100 copies per publisher, including pioneers, based on the November 1974 congregation report
  • carla

    In the tract who are they claiming as 'false religion'? I suppose it will have it's ever present artwork in it? I think it will make them look like nuts, make people angry and then the jw's can feel like a job well done! "See? we know we are in the truth because so many people hate us"

    Thanks for the heads up on when it will be distributed. Now I know I can deliver my literature before them! Beat them to the punch!

  • nelly136

    whooops i shoulda asked if 'donations' were expected from jws for the tracts these days,

    but i think you nailed it, thanx blondie

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