If there was ever a blatant display of the dangers of religious fanatacism, this is it. The hi-jackers of the airliners that crashed today no doubt thought they'd immediately be sitting next to Allah this-afternoon.
Religious Fanatacism
by drahcir yarrum 34 Replies latest jw friends
Religion - the opiate of the masses. The source of greatest evil.
Grieving for the souls lost today, and for all who are suffering because of Religious Fanatacism. -
The hi-jackers of the airliners that crashed today no doubt thought they'd immediately be sitting next to Allah this-afternoon.
"No doubt?" Do you happen to have any sort of inside information that the responsible terrorists actually were muslims?!
Not so long ago, the "bad guys" in popular US films usually had a pseudo-Russian accent and drank lots of Vodka. Before that, the bad guys were blond, cold-blue-eyed and had a pseudo-German accent. These days, the cliche apparently is: unshaved, dark-haired Muslims shouting "Allah akhbar" at the slightest provocation and burning US flags as a daily ritual.
Which ethnic group is going to be the next archetype of evil?
I do agree that religious fanatism is very harmful. But I'm seeing another pattern developing here that I've seen before, that I don't like at all, and the name is: racism.
Think about it for a minute.
f. -
Well, Fodeja, even if the Muslims aren't responsible, I've just seen newsclips of Palestinians celebrating in the streets after hearing the news. I've had a great deal of sympathy for the Palenstinaians in the past, but it just ended. Anybody who could rejoice at such tragedy is just plain sick. I'm sure US citizens don't celebrate when Palestinians or Israelis get killed in terroist attacks.
I've had a great deal of sympathy for the Palenstinaians in the past, but it just ended.
"The Palestinians". Uh-huh.
I received a forwarded email from a friend's Palestinian ex-classmate, now living in Jordan. This person writes (quote): "we are not cheering on the streets, its a tragedy, we are afraid what is to come, my family is praying".
You don't see the silently shocked people on the streets. So you don't see them on TV. TV does not equal "reality".
Anybody who could rejoice at such tragedy is just plain sick.
Yes, absolutely. And your point is? Does this in any way prove that the terrorists were muslims? Does this prove that all muslims are terrorists?
IIRC, the Oklahoma bombing was first blamed on muslim extremists as well.
I'm not saying Muslims did this. I'm saying that the news showed Palestinians shouting in the street, handing out candy, for Christ's sake. You can't deny that.
I just want to add something else. The religion of Islam, esepecially itsradical elements, is known for violence and the resolve to kill all those who don't serve Allah. Sure, there are many conservative Muslims who don't behave or feel that way, but the religion encourages that type of thinking. I've often thought that if my family were Muslin instead of JWs, my brother, who's a fanatic, hardliner JW and who has shunned me for 10 years despite the fact that I'm not DFed or DAed, would be trying to kill me now, not just shun me. Look at what extremist Muslims have done in Afghanistan. Sure, you can't say that all Muslims are this extreme, but the fact that people are in the streets celebrating this tragedy says a lot about the Muslim religion, and Palentinians in particular. I've never seen groups from other countries or religions out celebrating when tragedies happen to Muslims or Jews or any other group, have you?
Of course, JWs would be out celebrating in the streets after Armageddon decimated 99% of mankind if their ridiculous beliefs were true.
You can't deny that.
I did not deny that. I don't even deny that the terrorists _could_ be muslim extremists. I resent the thinking in stereotypes, as in "the Palestinians" and more subtle, implicit forms like the original posting here.
It's just the kind of thinking that not only leads to the unspeakable acts of violence that we have seen today, but also to "surgical counter-terrorist strikes" on Somalian pharmaceutical plants.
The religion of Islam, esepecially itsradical elements, is known for violence and the resolve to kill all those who don't serve Allah. Sure, there are many conservative Muslims who don't behave or feel that way, but the religion encourages that type of thinking.
Do you personally know ANY muslims, or are you just repeating whatever the news media care to feed the public?
Does Christianity (just for an example) fare any better? Consider 2000 years of religious persecution and mass-murder in the name of Jesus.How many people have been murdered in wars, with the homecoming murderers being applauded as heroes, and not a thought wasted on the victims? Writing this, I can't help thinking about the victims of the first and only nuclear bombs ever used in a war. How did people react?
What makes the muslim religion so different from all those other mass-delusions used to justify violence? Tell me.
f. -
drahcir yarrum
Are Muslims responsible for this? Given their long and recent history of terrorism around the world and given their statements of contempt for this country, I'd bet the farm on it. Muslims also believe that dying while killing infidels instantly rewards one with communion with Allah. Could I be wrong? Yes, but in the absence of a probable alternative perpetrator, my sense is that this is the work of Arab terrorists. (Muslims)
Racism has nothing to do with it and only an absolute fucking idiot would throw down the racism card.