I am going to go reread that thread on Euthanasia. The rod of iron may have me ready to change my mind about it.
Shocking Announcement: Society feels Armaggedon coming this year?
by truthseeker 154 Replies latest jw friends
Wasanelder Once
I can't imagine that they would disfellowship for not reporting FS. TI's not logical to cut off so great a great number of individuals. I don't know what its about but its certainly not that. I agree, its probably more false excitement about the enevitable end. More crap from the head liars of the Governing B.
You can't d.f. a volunteer. If they ever did that, the public relations fall-out would be too damaging.
drew sagan
You can't d.f. a volunteer. If they ever did that, the public relations fall-out would be too damaging.
You might not be able to DF them because of the bad public image, but they could 'mark' these ones as bad association. I can see it allready in print....
"From time to time there are those in the Christian congregation that decide no longer to participate in our kingdom preaching activity. What is the additude we should have towards such ones? While all servents of Jehovah seek to encourage and upbuild their Christian brothers and sisters, we would want to strongly consider the dangers of associating with ones who no longer make our responsiblity to preach the good news a priority".
Is this possible? I can see those idiots up at Bethel thinking to themselves "Those that don't go out in service are more than likely the problem. Get rid of them, you get rid of the problem". I can actually see that happening. -
Your quote looks frighteningly realistic. I'm sure I'm marked already. So, does that mean I get 2 marks?
You all are a bunch of silly gooses!!
The special news is this:
"We have prayerfully considered the many inquiries about our abolishing the food service arrangement at our assemblies. Therefore, be it known by all that we are going to reinstate the option to buy at a nominal fee these food items: hoagies, apple and cheese danish, chips, fruit bags, puddings, and chocolate and white 2% milk. By doing such, we will all be eating in unity. Any person who continues to brown bag it will be dealt with serious consequences i.e. they will be shamed in front of all by being asked to sit in Sections 10-13B."
"This special announcement shall be read at all congregations' Service meetings throughout the month of September."
Thanks alot, Juni!
If that's the announcement, then I'm going back!!
Forget doctrine.
Warlock (the hungry one)
*** w93 7/15 p. 27 Tenderly Shepherding Jehovah’s Precious Sheep ***
Inactivity in the ministry or in attending Christian meetings does not mean that the sheep is no longer part of the flock. He remains part of "all the flock" for whom the elders must "render an account" to Jehovah.
The WTS has worked both sides of the street with whether an inactive JW is still a witness. This is the most current comment I can find and is what I remember was practiced. Of course, individual JWs will treat you suspiciously because they are no longer sure of your status and your feelings about "the truth."
I don't see anything in the publications that lead me to believe that JWs who do not go to meetings and/or turn in a time slip can and will be DF'd for that or considered having DA'd themselves.
There was a Question from Readers regarding non-meeting attendance being the unforgivable sin because the Hebrews 10:24-25 comes just before verses 26-29.
w80 11/1 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers ***Does
the missing of Christian meetings in itself constitute an unforgivable sin, since, at Hebrews 10:24-29, the apostle Paul speaks of this sin right after discussing the importance of meetings?Failure to heed the command to attend Christian meetings is serious and could lead to disastrous consequences for a servant of Jehovah. However, more is involved in committing the unforgivable sin....
we should not discuss Hebrews 10:24, 25 out of its setting and imply that failure to attend the meetings regularly is in itself what the apostle is talking about in discussing those who commit the unforgivable sin. Of course, when a person has "the custom" of not attending the meetings, he is working against his own spiritual interests and is in grave danger of growing weak in faith and becoming inactive in Christian works. This, in turn, could lead to a person’s actually denying or not taking seriously the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his thus losing out on everlasting life.
Juni, If that's it I'm all for it! Just don't forget the Coffee and donuts for breakfast. Better yet, lets start the donated pies and cakes they used to do at the circut assemblies again. Oh no I'm showing my age! (GRIN) seek2find
Blondie, I don't know how long you have been away, but a few years ago they made a provision for the elderly and infirm so that they could still be considered as publishers if they reported as little as 15 minutes a month. That may have been one of the first steps to the eventual process of eliminating all who refuse to go door to door. My "issue" personaly, isn't with the concept of the public ministry, it's with the message. The Biblical message of Salvation is to come to Jesus Christ to be saved, versus the Organizations message to come to it for salvation. I've told my Mate that I can't in good conscience preach the Society message any more. If that message changes to a more Biblical one while I'm still in, I plan to be one of the first to engage in it. The Society, I think sees the need to eliminate apostates and apostate thinkers from inside the orginazation, and at the same time to give an incentive to those who have just gotten lazy. Some who have just drifted away, would start publishing again just so they would not loose contact with loved ones if such an arrangement were put into place. seek2find